Aikuisuus, prkl


A note to my non-Finnish readers: all the foods mentioned here are traditional and very seasonal Finnish treats.

”Oh, Runeberg’s tarts. Yes, it’s Runeberg’s day. I could buy one.” //
”Ah, yes, it’s Shrove Tuesday. Yeah, I want a Shrove Bun.” //
”Easter’s coming up. I wonder if I’ll get mämmi when I go visit Mom. Or should I buy some myself?” //
”It seems to me that ADULTHOOD means that you yourself have to take care that you get traditional treats.”



”I really wouldn’t want to go to that interview. But I guess I have to.” //
”What should I even be wearing there?” ”I’d say some nice regular clothes will do.” //
”Ha! I’ll wear my wizard costume!” ”They’s just tell you to take it off.” //
”Fine. Then I’ll just wear one of those wife-beater-shirts, too short shorts and tennis socks in sandals.” //
”They can’t tell me to get naked, after all.” //
”Probably not.” ”The wizard costume would be more fun, though…” //
”Or you could do this…” //
”Take that stupid wizard costume off.” ”OK.” //
”Put the wizard costume back on. I’m begging you.” ”OK.”



”Shall we?” ”In a second. I just take the terrarium cover away so that the peat dries up a little.” //
”All right.” //
… //
”?” //
”Rana?” ”Yeah?” ”Your animal is escaping.” //
”I guess I can go catch it after this episode ends.” ”Probably.”

Tässä sarjiksessa esiintyvä akaattikotilo on itse asiassa Ranan edellinen lemmikki Krokotiili, joka kuoli tuossa vuosi sitten hypättyään alas pöydältä. Kahdesti.
The African land snail here is actually Rana’s previous pet Crocodile who died about a year ago after jumping down from a desk. Twice.

Mikään ei ole ikuista


”I resigned today.” ”Oh. Because you’re retiring in the summer?” //
”Exactly. But I’ve been working there literally for half of my life. So it fells a bit weird.” //
”But nothing lasts forever.” ”Especially not you.” //
”Hahahaha! Especially not me!” ”Heh…!”



Kävelin aamuna muuanna erään ravintolan ohi. Sen ovessa oli sellainen ”Sorry we’re closed” -kyltti. Aamu-uniset aivoni lukivat sen väärin, ja siltä pohjalta tein oman kyltin…
The other morning I walked past a restaurant that had one of those ”Sorry we’re closed” signs on the door. My sleepy brain misread it, so I made my own sign based on that.

Ennen oli kunnollista


”Slippery… Slippery!” //
”In the good old days the snow was plowed better!” //
”Yes, they plowed the snow with SHOVELS, not some machines.” ”…” //
”It was better back then, in the 50s and 60s…” ”I couldn’t say, I wasn’t there…”


(Sorry, this one doesn’t translate…)

Minä siis ihan oikeasti ostin kaksi tikkataulua. Siis taulua, jossa on kuva tikasta. Kyseessä on printit Wilhelm von Wrightin piirroksista pohjantikasta ja vihertikasta. Nämä saavat minut jotenkin naurettavan iloiseksi.
The comic was a pun about me buying two paintings of woodpeckers. They are prints (I could never afford the real stuff) of paintings by a 19th century Finnish painter Wilhelm von Wright who is really famous for his bird paintings. These two are a three-toed woodpecker and a green woodpecker. Having these on my wall makes me ridiculously happy.