”Things that people often have difficulties with…” //
Understanding instruction signs. ”Let’s go here!” ”Yes!” (One way) //
Understanding ban signs. ”Let’s go here!” ”Yes!” (Wrong way) //
Understanding time tables. ”When are you going to feed the tigers?” ”The cats were fed at half past twelve, and today the species was the snow leopard.” //
”But it says on that sign…” ”…that we’ll feed the snow leopard at half past twelve, yes.” (Feeding: snow leopard, 12.30) //
Understanding spoken instructions. ”That dark brown goat has been rather cranky today so let’s just leave him be.” //
”What did I just say?!” //
Forming sentences. ”Hello!” ”Hi. Buggy.” //
”…would you care to elaborate?”
”Woops.” //
”I just realised that all the comics about my summer in the zoo are rather negative. That wasn’t my intention. In reality I had really good time working in the zoo.” //
”Probably 98 per cent of the customers were very nice, too. It just doesn’t make a very good comic when someone politely asks you where the kangaroos are.” //
”Working as a zoo guide was mostly really much fun, and I’m happy to continue as a freelancer now that the summer’s over.” //
”In the zoo you also have the best co-workers! Darlings!” //
”The human co-workers are really nice as well… and they don’t eat my clothes!”