TEX & KIT WILLER (Tex Willer)
”Remember what they say about the apple and the tree…”
Tex ei ehkä ollut kovin hyvä isä pojalleen Kitille tämän ollessa nuori, koska suri vaimonsa Lilythin kuolemaa ja oli aina jossain reissussa jahtaamassa roistoja. Mutta kun Kit kasvoi tarpeeksi vanhaksi lähteäkseen Texin mukaan seikkailemaan, isän ja pojan välit lähenivät kummasti. Eikä tässä perheessä omena tosiaan ole pudonnut kauas puusta – samanlaisia hornankekäleitä ovat molemmat.
Tex probably wasn’t a very good father to his son Kit when he was young, as Tex was mourning the death of his wife Lilyth and also always somewhere chasing bad guys. But when Kit grew old enough to join Tex’s adventures, the father and the son became much closer. And in this family the apple surely hasn’t fallen far from the tree – both are the same type of daredevils!
The quote above by Kit Carson to Tex when meeting Kit Willer for the first time (and after the younger Kit shot an arrow through his godfather’s hat!) in one of the old original Tex comics by Bonelli and Galep (I translated it from Finnish as English versions are very difficult to get and I don’t speak Italian. And Italian versions aren’t easy to find in Finland, either.)
Tex Willer created by Gianluigi Bonelli and Galep