Perheiden kuukausi, osa 17



”Why did you marry her?”
”At the time, it seemed the logical thing to do.”

Star Trekissä, varsinkin alkuperäisessä, on harvemmin perheitä kovin olennaisessa roolissa, muutamia mukana raahattavia lapsia lukuun ottamatta. Enimmäkseen lähisukulaiset tuntuvat kuolevat (*khömKirkinvelikhöm*). Rakkaalla tiedeupseerillamme Spockilla on kuitenkin loogisesti kriisinen perhesuhde, joka toki juontuu siihen, että Spockin äiti Amanda on ihminen ja isä Sarek vulcanilainen, eikä Spock itse oikein koe sopivansa kumpaankaan joukkoon. Spockin isä Sarek muuten valehtelee suippokorvat heiluen väittäessään naineensa vaimonsa Amandan vain loogisista syistä, sillä onhan selvää, että Sarek rakastaa Amandaa, samoin kuin poikaansa – vulcanolaiset vain eivät oikein osaa tunnistaa muiden tunteita, saati omiaan.

In Star Trek, especially in the Original Series, families are rarely in an important role, with the exception of some kids dragged along. Mostly close relatives seem to be there just to die (*coughKirk’sbrothercough*). Our dear science officer Spock has logically a pretty difficult family situation, of course based on the fact that his mother Amanda is human and his father Sarek is Vulcan so Spock doesn’t feel like he fits in anywhere. Spock’s father Sarek is by the way totally lying when he claims he married his wife Amanda for purely logical reasons, as it is easy to see that Sarek loves Amanda, as well as his son – it’s just often difficult for Vulcans to understand others’ feelings, let alone their own.

The quote above by Spock and Sarek in the Original Series episode Journey to Babel
Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry


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