”Username Koira sent me a question about my career as a biologist. They want to know what I’ll do when I’m grown up. I don’t know when I’ll be ’grown up’.” //
”I can start by telling that I’ve always been really interested in animals, and becoming a biologist has always been a clear path to me.” //
I grew up watching sir David Attenborough’s nature documentaries. //
”Mom, how does one get to study animals like sir David?” ”Well, first you need to go to school. And then to high school. And then study biology in the university.” So that’s what I did!” //
”And from the very beginning I wanted to go to the rubber boot department. The opposite being the white-coat or lab biologist.” //
”Now I officially have rubber boots as I’m a master of ecology. Above all else I’d like to be a researcher. For that I’d probably need to have a PhD. I’d probably need to look for some information about things…” //
”Sure, I could carry on with owls… And I’ve gotten to know geese pretty well, too…” //
”Of course it would be so cool to work in some rewilding process. We’ll see where I end up.”
”At the moment I’m working in the zoo. It’s a freelance and seasonal job, not permanent.” //
”I’ve always said that if I got a penny every time I talked about animals, I’d be rich. And now I’m actually being payed for it!” //
”As of late, I have been talking about animals in the zoo’s videos – in a way I’m like sir David! It’s been really much fun though I never thought I’d end up as a social media star.” //
”Popularizing science is by the way also something I’m interested and could work on. After all, I drew my master’s thesis as a comic! //
”Working as a teacher is also something a biologist can do but I haven’t studied teaching. Working as a substitute teacher last winter taught me that I don’t want to work as a teacher all my life.” //
”Of course I have worked as a substitute teacher in nature school as well and it was fun. So I could do some environmental education stuff as well.” //
”At the moment I’m pretty happy with what I do but a PhD might be the next step. I also very much feel like these rubber boots are the right shoes for me. Let’s see where I’ll end up in these!”
Jee, kiva kun vastasit! 😀
Heh, ”mikä sinusta tulee isona” on tietysti vähän hölmösti kysytty – vanhanaikaista? Eihän sitä loppuelämän ammattia enää sillä tavalla (välttämättä) valita. Aika mahtavaa, että sulla on ollut noin selvästi suunta tiedossa jo lapsesta saakka. Ja nyt paljon eri polkuja joihin lähteä – mihin sitten ikinä ne saappaasi sinut viekään! 🙂