Tapaus Pääsky


”Hi, there’s some little bird that people are petting.” ”Okay?” ”We’ll check it out.” //
”Like… a wild animal? And people are petting it?” ”What’s wrong with them? Don’t do it, for hygienic reasons, if for nothing else!” //
”Hey! I think this bird needs help, it lets people touch itself.” ”Yes, we were looking for it.” //
”It’s a barn swallow chick. Probably fallen out of its nest. Its parents won’t find it here.” //
”We’ll take it to the Wildlife Hospital.” ”Good.” //
”So… what’s wrong with people?!” ”Well this is a zoo, so all animals can be petted, huh? Hmph!” //
”The swallow chick was luckily alright. It’ll live in the Wildlife Hospital until it’s old enough to fly and take care of itself. But seriously… You shouldn’t touch wild animals any more than is absolutely necessary.”


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