THLAYLI/ISOPÄÄ – THLAYLI/BIGWIG (Ruohometsän kansa – Watership Down)
“I can run and fight and spoil a story telling it.”
Isopää (eli kaniinien kielellä Thlayli, “karvapää”) on Watershipin kaniineista kuulusimpia. Hän on ainainen epäilijä ja tappelupukari, mutta ehdottoman uskollinen ystävilleen ja päällikölleen. Riidanhaluisen luonteensa vastapainona Isopää rakastaa tarinoita, varsinkin niitä pelottavia. Isopää on ehkä “vain” pieni kaniini, mutta todella Sankari isolla S.llä.
Bigwig (or, as he’s called in rabbit speech, Thlayli, “furhead”) is one of the most famous of Watership rabbits. He’s always doubtful and willing to fight but absolutely faithful to his friends and chief rabbit. As a balance to his fighting nature, Bigwig loves stories, especially the scary ones. Bigwig might be “just” a small rabbit, but he’s also a Hero with a capital H.
Muita sankareita: kapteeni Tréville (Kolme muskettisoturia) ja Tex Willer (Tex Willer)
Other heroes: Captain Tréville (The Three Musketeers) and Tex Willer (Tex Willer)
Watership Down written by Richard Adams.
The quote above is what Bigwig told General Woundwort when he had to introduce himself.