”Mother Viper asks: ”If you could spend a week travelling in the blue police box, which Doctor would you most like to travel with and where and when would you go?”” //
”Oh, how can I decide!” //
”For some reason, I have a soft spot in my heart for the second Doctor portrayed by Patrick Troughton… So maybe him.” ”Would you mind if I played some music on the way?” //
”Would ye mind if I played as well?” ”And I could get to know the second Doctor’s companion Jamie. He’s Scottish and survived all his adventures wearing a kilt – even the ones including a space suit.” //
”But I’d be happy to have any one of the Doctor’s incarnations as my travel guide…” //
”I thought I was her favorite…” ”But EVERYONE loves me!” ”I’ve appeared in her comics more often!” ”I said anyone of you would do just fine!”
”I’d like to travel to some exotic planet so that I could study all the creatures there.” //
”Or then I’d just ask the Doctor to take me to see mammoths.” //
”Jamie, please don’t play bagpipes now. The mammoths will think it’s a competing herd.” ”Ach, fine.” Because mammoths are AWESOME.
Jos on tilaisuus piirtää kaveri kiltissä, niin se tilaisuushan käytetään. Myös: satuin kuuntelemaan Bruce Springsteenin biisiä ”Two hearts” tätä sarjista piirtäessäni.
If one has the chance to draw a guy in a kilt, one uses that chance. Also: I happened to be listening to Bruce Springsteen’s song ”Two hearts” while drawing this comic.
Doctor Who by BBC
<3 (vaik oonki vähän pettynyt ettet rakasta Romeo-tohtoria eniten)
Niin on se Tohtorikin… 😛