”Well, you all know that I read a lot and also watch TV and movies.” //
”And I have noticed that there’s often this kind of plot pattern in sci-fi and fantasy…” //
The Lord of the Rings: ”We have this really fine and valuable metal, Mithril. I think we could fight over who owns it.” //
Star Wars: ”The Empire stole super strong and precious metal, Beskar, from the Mandalorians. This annoys us greatly.” //
Mervel: ”Your shield is made of Vibranium! So it belongs to Wakanda!” ”Let’s fight over it.” //
Stargate: ”The gate has of a metal called Naquadah.” ”You can also make a bomb out of it. So it’s worth a war.” //
”Not to say that real history didn’t do it…” //
Chilkoot Pass, 1896: Half of us are gonna die!” (Gold?) //
”Metal and people don’t match that well.”
The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien
Star Wars by Lucasfilm
Marvel by, well, Marvel
Stargate by Metro Goldwin Mayer