”Hi, so nice that you invited me!” ”Hello again, everyone! Today I invited Snowhorse to talk about comics with me.” //
”Yes, they’re an important topic.” ”Today’s topic is speech bubbles.” //
”Indeed, it is very annoying if it’s done wrong.” ”And especially the placing of speech bubbles.” //
”And if reading is slow and difficult you can’t really enjoy the story.” ”The ’flow’ of the comic is broken if the speech bubbles are placed in a wrong order and you have to think about which order to read them in.” //
”You sometimes even see wrongly place speech bubbles in published comics.” ”I understand it in some really old comics but not in new ones.” //
”It is bad all right, but also avoidable.” ”To me, this is probably the most annoying thing in this whole series!” //
”Yep, and you can always ask someone to read your sketches because the artist often becomes ’blind’ to their own mistakes. Slowly does it!” ”Yes! Good planning and making a storyboard are good ways to avoid placing your speech bubbles wrong.”