Uudet esittelytekstit


Blogini vanhat esittelytekstit olivat vuodelta 2017, joten oli jo korkea aika tehdä uudet. Löytyvät tuolta yläpalkista Mitä kummaa? -osiosta. Alla ne vanhat vielä muistoksi.
My blog’s old introduction texts were from 2017 so it was time to make new ones. You can find them in the Mitä kummaa? (What on Earth?) section up there. Here are the old ones just for fun.
”We start by placing a large cauldron on fire.” //
”First, bring three liters to boil and season with black pepper, rosemary, ginger and cardamom.” //
”And then we add…” //
”One hat and some feathers. Preferably a cowboy hat and owl feathers, but other kinds will do as well.” //
”One and half libraries of books…” //
”A couple of bottles of ink and some water colors.” //
”One pocket knife and tent ropes to taste…” //
”A large bucketful of science fiction and a house plant. Or two.” //
”Lastly, a pair of binoculars and some griffin tail hair.”
”Let simmer for a quarter of a century and stir every now and then.” //
”And – TA-DAH!”

”What is this book, anyway? ’How to make your own comic blogger’? Yeah, nice…” //
”Well, good work! I guess…” //
”So, anyways, hello! I’m Kati, a biologist, student, nerd, camp leader and the person writing this blog.” //
”I started my blog ’Gaiverruksia’ in the autumn of 2015 as I went to study in Scotland for a year, and now I’m keeping it just for fun.” //
”English translations for my non-Finnish friends!” //
”Luckily, I’m not alone in this world or in this blog. Here are some people who have appeared in this blog…”

Mother: Likes carrots and her balcony.
Big Brother: Plays tennis and bakes buns.
Dad: Calls me every now and then, cooks often.
Snowhorse: An artist and my mental twin.
Mr. Brony: A birdwatcher and my camp leader partner.
Wiivu: One of the reasons I like scifi.
Julia: A camp friend and one of the reasons for me to star this blog.
Romeo: Dragged to the woods by Julia. Also, a fellow nerd.
Julia’s big brother: Camp master. Not actually related to Julia.
Knitter: Often found climbing walls.

4 vastausta artikkeliin ”Uudet esittelytekstit

  1. Wuu, mä sain ylennyksen viralliseksi teenkeittäjäksi! Kuuluuko siihen palkankorotus?

    …Ja olihan se ylennys? o.O

    • Tietysti se on ylennys! Mutta palkankorotus vaatis sitä, että olisit joskus saanut multa palkkaa alun perinkään…

    • Kyllähän sinä pääset 🙂 Siellä löydyt muiden Sankareiden kanssa uusista esittelyteksteistä Mitä kummaa? -sivulta.


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