Best man

”You know… as your best man I have many responsibilities, such as giving a speech.” ”Yes.” //
”But the most important one – to me, personally – is making sure you don’t run away from your own wedding.” ”How so?” //
”Well. Back in the day, it was the best man’t job to see that nothing would happen to the groom. However, if something DID happen, it was the best man’s duty to marry the now ’widowed’ bride.” //
”And since your other best men are married (to each other!) the law does not allow them to marry your bride. I, on the other hand, would not have a legal obstacle in this matter.” //
”And even though your bride is a very lovely person, I’m simply not leaning that way. So I’m just trying not to get married here.” //
”…so that would explain the snipers on the roof…” ”Yes.” //
”Well, Mr Brony didn’t try to run away before the wedding. So congratulations to him and his bride – I mean WIFE!” //
”And those snipers only had tranquilizer darts. And excellent aim.”


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