”I’m back in Scotland!” //
”I’m breathing Scottish air!” //
”Airport personnel is super nice!” //
”People are driving on the left side of the road!” //
”There are so many sheep on the fields!” //
”The tides!” //
”Gorse is blooming by every road!” //
”Crows are black!” //
”Everything is so amazingly SCOTTISH!” //
”Even the rain…”
”Here are things I wanted to do while in St Andrews…” //
Meet my friends //
Eat fish & chips //
Walk on the beach //
Eat a scone at Gorgeous //
See a fulmar //
Eat ice cream at Janetta’s //
Walk on the pier ”Please come down.” //
Send a post card to Whale //
Walk by the river //
Drink a London Fog in Bean Room (Closed for good) ”NOOOO!!!” //
Drink a London Fog somewhere else.
”It was so nice that you came for a visit!” ”Indeed!” ”Come back soon!” //
”Of course! Bye then!” ”See you again!” //
”It’s 22.55. Still 10 minutes ’till my bus leaves. Good.” //
”…what? There’s no 22.55 bus to Edinburgh marked here?!” //
”But on the websites it said… Well, I’ll wait for a moment.” //
”Excuse me, I’m waiting for that 22.55 bus to Edinburgh…” ”There is no such bus.” //
”The website lied! But I HAVE to get to the airport, my plane leaves at 6 AM…” //
”Maybe I can still get to Edinburgh by train from Leuchars…”
”Yes! There’s a night train to London stopping here in 15 minutes! It must go via Edinburgh!” //
”Hi, just to make sure: does this train stop in Edinburgh?” ”No, it doesn’t.” //
”But… I MUST get to Edinburgh! Are there any trains going there before morning?” ”Not that I know of.” //
”You see, my flight leaves at six, and the bus I was supposed to take doesn’t exist despite of what the website said…” ”I’m sorry…” //
”…but there are no trains to Edinburgh at this time, and we don’t stop there either.” ”Okay. Thanks anyway.” //
”Wait… I REALLY shouldn’t do this but…”
”…hop in. We’ll let you out in Edinburgh.” ”Oh, THANK YOU! Thank you, thank you -” //
”- thank you, thank you, thank you -” //
”- thank you, thank you, THAAAANK YOUUUUU!!!” //
”Thank you, thank you, thank you…” //
”And I’m here only half an hour later than I would have been with that bus.” //
”Now I’ll just wait for four hours for my flight to take off.” //
”Yeah so the smart thing to do when the bus didn’t show up would probably have been to call Mudkip or something… Oh well.” //
”See you again, St Andrews…”
Voi apua Skotlannin junatyypit kuulostaa maailman mahtavimmilta ihmisiltä 😀 Tässä pitää tietää meidän Edinburgissa opiskelevan kaverin junaseikkailut jotka päättyi lähes yhtä eeppisesti.
Mut itse asiassa mä muistan Suomessakin kerran kun juna lähti jo ja pysähtyi sit kuitenkin uudestaan ottaakseen mut ja pari muuta ihmistä kyytiin. Jäi mieleen. Tää on ikuistettu kans sarjikseksi, jonka linkkaan vielä joskus…