Kuorolaulua, osa 2


”My previous post was about how it is difficult for me to understand to lyrics of a song sung by a choir. The day after I published that I went to yet another Christmas concert.” //
It was one by Lyran and Akademen, and Mr Brony’s fiancee lured me in there. //
”Hello!” ”Welcome! Here’s the programme.” //
”I know some of these songs… Hey, there are… the lyrics!” //
”Huzzah!!!” //
”…sorry!” //
Thanks to the lyrics I was able to follow what the choirs were singing, even though most of the songs were in Swedish! //
”Being able to understand the lyrics made it a pleasant experience. It was a very good concert all in all, but understanding what they were singing was great!” //
”It’s kinda funny this happened right after I had ’publicly’ talked about my problem. I still don’t know the cause of it but at least I found something that helps.”



Of the people close to me, both my Big Brother and Mr Brony like to sing. Actually, they both sing in a choir, though different ones. //
I went to the Christmas concerts of both of those choirs the other day. //
”And the thing is… I don’t understand choir singing.” //
”Don’t take this the wrong way, now! I’m not much of a singer but singing together is fun. And I do like to listen to music and choir songs. I don’t go into those concerts just because I’m polite.” //
But I really don’t understand what the choir is singing. The lyrics just get all muddled up. //
Only if I know the lyrics already am I able to understand them somewhat. (I Finnish Christmas song) //
I once asked this from Mr Brony who said… ”I think you should be able to understand them!” ”Hm.” //
”So… It’s hard to say if this is just my thing because I can’t know how others experience it. But both of those concerts were good!”

Aegolius funereus

Aina välillä en tiedä, mitä piirtäisin, mutta silti huvittaisi piirtää, ja aika usein noissa tilanteissa päädyn piirtämään pöllöjä. Tällä kertaa tuli helmipöllö.
Sometimes I feel like drawing something but don’t know what, and oftentimes I end up drawing owls. This time I drew a boreal owl (also known as Tengmalm’s owl).

Lumipallo toiveen toteuttaa


Näin tällaisen hauskan kohtauksen kotimatkallani yhtenä päivänä.
I saw this fun little scene on my way back home the other day.

”That one went pretty far!” //
”Now, if this one goes far we’ll be best friends for the rest of our lives!” ”Yeah!” //
”!” //
”Yay! It went far!!!” ”I hope your snowball magic works! I do hope you’ll be best friends for the rest of your lives!”



Muutamia eläinpiirroksia tältä vuodelta.
Some animal drawings from this year.

A robin.

Pari eläintä, jotka yritin piirtää niin, että ne näyttäisivät siltä, kuin ne olisivat 5-vuotiaan piirtämiä. En ihan muista, mihin tämä liittyi. Olin 31, kun piirsin nämä.
A couple of animals I tried to draw so that they’d look like they were drawn by a 5-year-old. I don’t quite remember why, though. I was 31 when drawing these.

Yksi asiakas eläintarhassa luki eläimen nimen väärin. Se on oikeasti afrikanoliivituhatjalkainen. Piirsin huvikseni sitten tuhatjalkaisen liivit päällä.
A customer at the zoo misread the name of an animal. It is actually the giant African olive millipede. Then I wanted to draw a millipede wearing a vest. Miraculously, this joke almost even translated from Finnish to English.

Pari ajatusta värityskuviksi. Riikinkukossa on vähän liikaa yksityiskohtia, että sen saisi toimimaan kovin hyvin. Akaattikotilosta tuli ihan hauska.
Some ideas for coloring pictures. A peacock is way too detailed to work very well. The African land snail turned out pretty nice.

Valoisaan aikaan


”It’s only eight o’clock. I’m so not getting up yet.” //
”Z” //
”Breakfast time…” //
”Gotta get outdoors since the Sun is shining for a change.” //
”Nom nom.” //
”Well. It’s dark again. Time to go back to bed.” //
”This is how it goes. My vacation-state-of-mind is that I’m not getting up before ten, and after it gets dark it’s night-time. No wonder the days feel short. Or, as Snowhorse put it…”
”Hello darkness my old friend, why are you here at four p.m.?”