”Okay, these pens are the walls of the corridor and the room…” //
”Right, I’ll be this flash drive and this eraser will be my raccoon.” ”I’ll be this die, then.” //
”And I can be this die.” //
”Good. And these paperclips are those monsters…” //
”Everybody ready?”
Aihearkisto: Nörtteilyä
Ystävyyden kuukausi – poistetut kohtaukset
Joo. Olen hönö nörtti ja tykkään hassuista asioista. Siksi haluan näin Ystävyyden kuukauden lopuksi jakaa teille muutaman ”ystävyyden”, jotka ”hylkäsin” varsinaiselta listalta. Pistäkää kieli poskeen ja nauttikaa.
Yeah. I’m a silly nerd and I like silly things. That’s why, now that the Month of Friendship is over, I’d like to share with you some ”friendships” I ”rejected” from the actual list. Don’t take this seriously, enjoy.
”Me bairns … me poor, wee bairns!”
Enterprisen yli-insinööri Scottyn ja Enterprisen suhde on kaunis ja herkkä. Enterprise ei koskaan jätä Scottyä pulaan, ja Scotty korjaa aina rakkaansa kaikki kolhut. (Niin, piirsin Enterpriselle kädet ja söpön naaman. Entäs sitten? Jättimäinen Scotty hyppelemässä avaruudessa on ihan yhtä hölmöä.)
Hylkäämisen syy: en halunnut romanttisia suhteita ystävyyslistalle.
The relationship between Enterprise’s chief engineer Scotty and Enterprise in beautiful and delicate. Enterprise never leaves Scotty when there’s trouble, and Scotty always fixes all the damage Enterprise suffers. (Yes, I drew Enterprise with hands and a face. So what? A giant Scotty in space is just as silly.)
Reason for rejection: I didn’t want romantic relationships on the friendship list.
The quote above by Scotty about Enterprise’s engines in the original series episode The Paradise Syndrome.
Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry
”It’s over, Anakin! I have the high ground!”
Muistan katsoneeni Sithin kostoa teininä ja ajatelleeni, että on Obi-Wanilta koko lailla tyhmää olla sitä mieltä, että hän on voittanut taistelun, koska seisoo pari metriä ylempänä rinteessä kuin vastustajansa. Ehkä Obi-Wan vain härnäsi Anakinia, mutta ilmeisesti jokunen muukin ajatteli laillani, koska Obi-Wanin vuorosanasta on tullut yksi Sithin koston tunnetuimmista meemeistä (ja kyseisen elokuvan käytännössä jokainen vuorosana on meemi).
Hylkäämisen syy: listallani oli jo kolme Star Wars -ystävyyttä.
I remember watching Revenge of the Sith as a teenager and thinking that Obi-Wan was pretty dumb for stating he had won the battle just because he was standing a couple of meters higher than his opponent. Maybe Obi-Wan was just teasing Anakin, but it seems quite a few people thought like I did because Obi-Wan’s line is one of the most memed ones in Revenge of the Sith (and practically every line in that movie has become a meme).
Reason for rejection: there were already three Star Wars friendships on my list.
The quote above by Obi-Wan Kenobi in Revenge of the Sith.
Star Wars created by George Lucas
”Why does Voldemort always steal my shampoo?”
Minä en oikeasti tiedä, mistä tämä juttu on peräisin, mutta jostain syystä on eräänlainen meemi kysyä, miksi Voldemort pöllii shampoota. Koittakaa vaikka: jos kirjoitatte Googleen ”Why does Voldemort a”, se täydentyy ”always steal my shampoo”. Muitakin muunnelmia on, kuten ”keeps stealing my shampoo”. Luulisi miehellä olevan huikeat kutrit kun noin paljon shampoota tarvitsee, mutta ei, Voldu on kalju.
Hylkäämisen syy: ei canon.
I really don’t know where this originates but for whatever reason it’s kind of a meme to ask why Voldemort steals shampoo. You can try it: just write in Google, ’Why does Voldemort a’, and it will autofill it to ’always steal my shampoo’. There are other variants, too, such as ’keeps stealing my shampoo’. You’d think the man has awesome hair because he needs so much shampoo but no, Voldu is bald.
Reason for rejection: not canon.
The quote above by Google autofill.
Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling
Ystävyyden kuukausi loppuu
”So, that was the Month of Friendship. I hope you had fun.” //
”But now I’ll talk about something I have purposefully avoided in my blog: representation.” //
”You see, I did notice that there are very few female characters on this list. And not one friendship between two (ore more!) women! There were also very few female characters on my Month of Heroes list but let’s not get into that now. But friendship between women seems to be such a norm that there’s not that much of a story to tell…” //
”…unless you want to go all in and tell mainly about the friendship between female characters, in My Little Pony style. Which can also work really well!” //
”There’s more emphasis in media placed on not having a all-male-cast anymore which, when done well, is a really good thing.” //
”But female characters still seem to be there for romantics, or then the friend is a male character. An important friendship between female characters is still pretty rare.” //
”Of course there can be other important relationships between women but for example romantic relationships didn’t make it on this list.”
”Due to historical reasons there has rarely been that sort of comrades-in-arms type of friendship between female characters. And my my it’s good to write about it and – at least to me – awesome to read about it!” //
”There would be plenty of room for that kind of friendships in science fiction where gender roles are looser anyway. But it seems to be hard to find.” //
”So… yeah.” //
”Anyway, I hope Month of Friendship brought you some happiness. What are you favorite fictional friendships and why? And do you have ideas for future Month Challenges?” //
”Click the speech bubble in the upper right corner of this article to leave a comment!” //
”I will now return to my usual publishing pace. Have a good March, everyone!”
Mutta jotta en kuulostaisi siltä, että vain valitan asioista, aion esitellä teille yhden mielestäni hyvän naishahmojen välisen ystävyyssuhteen. En ottanut sitä mukaan listalleni, koska olen itse ollut mukana luomassa sitä. Kyseiset hahmot ovat herra Bronyn ja minun roolipelihahmot Tea ja Thranon Sankariakatemia-roolipelistä, jota pelaamme ystäviemme kanssa. Olemme herra Bronyn kanssa viettäneet useammankin tovin kävelyllä pohtien näiden hahmojemme suhdetta.
But not to sound like I only complain I’m going to introduce you to a friendship between female characters that I find pretty good. I didn’t take it on my list because I’ve been there to create it. The characters in question are Mr Brony’s and my role playing characters Tea and Thranon, respectively, and we play them in the Hero Academy RPG we play with our friends. Mr Brony and I have spent quite a few moments on walks talking about our characters and their relationship.
Herra Bronyn hahmo, Nyctea ”Tea” Salo on kirkkonummelainen teinityttö, joka osaa muuttua pöllöksi. Hänen lapsuutensa oli muuten hyvin tavallinen, mutta häntä kiusattiin koulussa ja hän joutui koko ajan pelkäämään, että joku saa selville, että hän muuttuu joskus pöllöksi. Siksi Tean on aina ollut vaikea luottaa kehenkään. Minun hahmoni, tiikeri-kentauri-alien Thanonin lapsuus on puolestaan ollut aivan toisenlainen: hän eli isoisänsä johtamassa metsästäjä-keräilijälaumassa, jossa fyysinen rasitus, vaarat ja vammat olivat arkipäivää. Sen vastapainona Thranonilla on aina ollut tukenaan perhelaumansa vankkumaton tuki ja kannustus, ja Sankariakatemiaan tullessaan Thranonin on vaikea ymmärtää, miten kukaan voisi koskaan pettää oman porukkansa. Teasta ja Thranonista tuli Akatemiassa nopeasti ystäviä erilaisista taustoistaan huolimatta. Ensinnäkin he ovat vuosikurssinsa nuorimmat opiskelijat, ja lisäksi he pitävät monista samoista asioista. Tea ihailee Thranonin miekkailu- ja taistelutaitoja, ja Thranonin mielestä Tea on hauska ja fiksu kaveri moniin seikkailuihin. Ties mihin nämä kaksi ja heidän muut sankariystävänsä vielä päätyvät!
Mr Brony’s character, Nyctea ”Tea” Salo is a teenage girl from a small town in Southern Finland. She can turn into an owl. Her childhood was pretty normal except she was bullied in school and she was always afraid someone would find out she turns into an owl sometimes. That’s why Tea has always had trouble trusting others. My character, tiger-centaur-alien Thranon has had a very different childhood: she lived in a hunter-gatherer tribe lead by her grandfather. There, physical stress, dangers and injuries are everyday occurrences but on the other hand, Thranon has always had unwavering support and help from her home tribe. When she came to the Hero Academy, Thranon had hard time understanding how anyone could ever betray their own. In the Academy, Tea and Thranon quickly became friends, despite of their different backgrounds. First off, they’re the youngest of their class, and they also share many interests. Tea admires Thranon’s skills in fighting and swordsmanship, and Thranon finds Tea to be a fun and witty companion for many adventures. Who knows what adventures these two and their hero friends will end up in!
My Little Pony by Hasbro
Hero Academy and it’s characters all belong to their creators (except for Thranon, she’s mine)
Ystävyyden kuukausi alkaa!
”Well, it’s February again. And February is already traditionally the month for my Month Challenge! So why not now, too!” //
”This month I want to go back to the stories and characters I love.” //
”In stories – just like in real life – there are all sorts of interesting relationships between people. There’s the relationship between a hero and their arch enemy. Relationships between a boss and a subordinate, and also the relationship of a master and their apprentice. And all kinds of family relations, both romantic and say, relationships between siblings or a parent and a child.” //
”And then there are of course the good, old-fashioned, platonic friendships. Oh yeah. I’ll focus on these this month.” //
”All the previous monthly challenges I’ve made in alphabetical order but I won’t do it this time. I just could’t get these into alphabetical order.” //
”Instead of being in alphabetical order, the posts in this month are in a random order. So the order isn’t based on my favorites or anything. Well, let’s go then! We’ll start tomorrow!”
Mainittakoon vielä, etten kummemmin perusta nk. shippaamisesta. Jos hahmojen välinen suhde ei canonisti ole romanttinen, ei se myöskään tällä listalla sitä ole.
Disclaimer: I don’t really like shipping that much. If the relationship between characters isn’t canonically romantic, it’s not that way on this list either.
Biologisia termejä
An animal that kills other animals to eat them is called a predator. //
A creature that causes another creature harm and benefits itself is a parasite. ”What a lovely gut to live in!” //
An animal that eats a part of another organism without killing it is a grazer. ”Usually when talking about grazers you think about large herbivorous mammals.” //
”But human can be a grazer as well, for example when eating an apple.” //
A mosquito is also a grazer because it eats part of another organism (blood) but doesn’t kill it.” //
”From this we can of course deduce the fact that vampires are also grazers.”
”Booooo!” ”Aaaa!” ”Eeeeek!” //
”Boo-hoo!” ”I’m scared!” //
”C’mon guys. That’s just a white cloth on a spring.” //
”See for yourselves.” //
”Booooooo!” ”Aaaaaahh!” //
”Boo?” ”Help, I’m scared!” //
”So… on the first time I wasn’t scared at all… but on the second time when I already KNEW what’s in that box I’m totally terrified?” ”Yeah.” ”These dice are stupid.”
The characters of Minuel and Onni belong to their players 😀
Joulujakso 2020
Tänä vuonna en ole katsonut varmaan ollenkaan Doctor Whota, mutta haluan pitää kiinni perinteistä 😀 Tämä on ikivanha idea, joten saatte nyt tyytyä tähän.
I don’t think I’ve watched any Doctor Who this year but I want to keep to the tradition. 😀 This is a really old idea but it’ll have to do now.
Doctor Who by BBC
Olen viime aikoina katsonut Clone Warsia. Rex on mahtava hahmo. Tosin noille hänen olkasuojusjutuilleen en ole keksinyt muuta selitystä kuin sen, että niillä saadaan hänelle helposti erottuva siluetti. Ja no, siinä ne kyllä onnistuvatkin.
I’ve been watching The Clone Wars lately. Rex is an awesome character. Though I haven’t come up with any reason for those shoulder plate things of his other than that they give him an easy-to-recognize silhouette. And well, they work for that.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars by Lucasfilm
Teijo 1: Ainakaan se ei ole hiekkaa
I went to Teijo national park with Lion and Mr Brony for a weekend trip. There! //
”I don’t like mud.” //
”It’s cold…” //
”…and wet…” //
”…and irritating…” //
”…and it gets everywhere.”
Etkö tajunnut viittausta? Käy katsomassa Kloonien hyökkäys ja kokeile sitten uudestaan.
Didn’t get the reference? Go watch Attck of the Clones and try again.
”Hi Eevee! There’s an open-to-all lecture about exoplanets at the adult education center. I thought I’d go. Wanna come along?” ”Why not, sounds like fun!” //
”More than half of the planetary systems found so far have more than one central star…” ”Tatoiine…” //
”Planets can be classified based on what the surface is considered to be like…” //
”…for example ice planets…” ”Hoth…” //
”…lava planets” ”…Mustafar…” //
”…and sand planets.” ”…Tatoiine, again…” //
”So that’s it for exoplanets. Next lecture will be about exobiology.” ”Yee-haw!”
Toim. huom. Käytimme maskia luennolla, mutta ilmeiden piirtäminen maskin kanssa on vaikeaa, joten jätin ne pois sarjiksesta.
Note: We did wear face masks during the lecture but I left them out of the comic as it is difficult to draw facial expressions on people wearing masks.
All the planets mentioned are from Star Wars, created by George Lucas