Nörttitytön vaatekaappi

”I could put my Doctor Who hoodie on today. But I’ll need a t-shirt under it.” //
”Maybe I don’t need two nerdy t-shirts at the same time.” //
”Yeah no.” //
”Nope.” //
”Maybe the Bat and the Doc won’t argue too much…” //
”What was the next thing in line?” //
”I’m such a nerd.”

Doctor Who -hupparini selässä lukee ”There’s no point being grown-up if you can’t be childish sometimes” (”Ei ole järkeä olla aikuinen, jos ei välillä saa olla lapsellinen”), joka on sitaatti neljänneltä Tohtorilta – siksi juuri Tohtori numero neljä esiintyy tässä sarjiksessa. Tiedän myös, ettei Hergé tehnyt tarinaa nimeltä Tintti Vietnamissa – mutta minulla on silti Tintti Vietnamissa -paita!

On the back of my Doctor Who hoodie it says ”There’s no point being grown-up if you can’t be childish sometimes” which is a quote from the Fourth Doctor – hence his appearance in this comic. I also know that Hergé never made a story called Tintin in Vietnam, but I DO have a Tintin in Vietnam shirt!

Doctor who by BBC
TMNT by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird
Sleepy Hollow directed by Tim Burton
Batman by DC Comics
Tintin by Hergé

Klingon style

Dedicated to Jimothy.
I actually don’t know any Klingon swearwords, just some Klingon insults. But insulting a Klingon isn’t too difficult – just tell a Klingon warrior that his sister looks like a tribble, and you can be pretty sure that your throat will be very closely acquainted with a bat’leth…

Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry.

Mitä tapahtui?

”So… Sherlock… Season four…” ”Gimme that, I’ll write the password.” //
”What happened in the end of season three again?” ”Hmm… They put Sherlock in a plane and sent him off the country…” //
”Oh yes, and then there was that… Abonobi… Abnob… ABOMINABLE Bride!” //
”I can’t understand how it could be so bad!” ”I can’t understand it.” //
”Especially after the firs two seasons were so good.” ”Yeah. What happened?” //
”I’ll tell you what happened…” //

Joo, Moffat oli luomassa sarjaa mutta pilasi oman teoksensa. Juuh.
Yes, Moffat is one of the creators of the show but he messed up his own creation. Yah.

Scherlock by BBC

Juuh elikkäs

”My shoulders are killing me…” ”I can give you a massage if you like.” //
”Why thank you, Mr Spock – ” //

Yksi kaverini totesi, että ketään ei tulisi pakottaa katsomaan Star Trekiä vastoin tahtoaan, sillä tämä rikkoo Federaation pääsääntöä vastaan. Joten jos et ymmärtänyt edellä olevaa, en aio selittää sitä, vaan odotan, että luonnollinen kulttuurievoluutiosi johtaa sinut Star Trekin äärelle.
A friend of mine pointed out that no-one should be forced to watch Star Trek against their will because it brakes the Federation prime directive. So if you didn’t understand what happened above, I will not explain it. Instead, I’ll wait until your natural cultural evolution leads you to Star Trek.

Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry.

Kuka seuraavaksi?

”Would you look at that!” //
”The next actor playing the part of the Doctor has been announced and it is…” //
”Jodie Whittaker! Not that I know anything about her as an actress…” //
”Anyways, after 54 years and thirteen male actors a woman takes over as the Doctor!” //
”It might be a slightly surprising decision after five decades… On the other hand, the Master turned into Missy – from man into woman – and it worked really well!” //
In the heart(s) of Doctor Who and the Doctor’s character is, after all, the idea of time’s passing and the inevitable change that comes with it… and times do change, not only in the show but also in the world it is made in! //
As long as this doesn’t happen… ”Oh look, I’m a woman now! How modern and EQUAL! Boob jokes! Stare at me and be amazed!” //
”I still want the same things from Doctor Who as I’ve always wanted: good characters and stories…” //
”…adventures…humor…and hope. It doesn’t matter whether it is a madman or a madwoman in that blue box!” //
”Waiting for the next season…”

Myös: Ensign Sue Must Die niin näki tämän olevan tulossa… jo vuonna 2014!
Also: Ensign Sue Must Die saw that this was coming… back in 2014!

Doctor Who by BBC

Doctor Who: Valkoinen kauhu


Leirisaarellamme Bengtsårissa kerrotaan legendaa valkoisesta tennissukasta, joka syö leiriläisiä… Mutta nyt sukka on kohdannut voittajansa – hullun miehen laatikossa!
Juhannuksenvietossa piirsimme Julian ja Romeon, Lumihevosen ja Julian isoveljen kanssa yhteistyösarjiksen Tohtorin seikkailuista. Kaikki tekijät myös esiintyvät sarjiksessa 😀 Ennen sarjiksen aloittamista piti tietty päättää, kuka Tohtoreista pääsi mukaan. Varoitus: sisältää David Tennantia!

There’s a legend on our camping island Bengtsår, a legend of a white tennis sock that eats campers… But now the sock has met its match – a mad man in a box!
During Midsummer I drew this comic of Doctor’s adwentures together with Julia and Romeo, Snowhorse and Julia’s Big Brother. We all also appear in the comic 😀 Before we started drawing we had to decide which Doctor got into this comic. Warning: includes David Tennant!

”I thought I stopped you already!” //
”Well, I’ve worked in worse places than this…” //
”Ha! The trail is still fresh!” //
”Who is that?” ”Why is he wearing a suit?” //
”Yes, uhm… Hello. Have you by any chance happened to see a… a white tennis sock?”

”RUN!” //
”No, no, no, no!” //
”Don’t you even dream about it!” //
”Aaaaarrggh!” ”Hang in there, weird suit dude!”

”Stop it! You’re not helping!” //
”Oh no!” ”Sorry!” ”What are we going to do now?” //
”I have a secret weapon!” (Super-clean washing powder)
”It only grew bigger!”

”Does it have ANY weaknesses?” ”Yes! It hates the smell of gasoline! (Like any other sentient being…)” //
”Anyone! We need gasoline here, quickly!” ”With or without oil?” //
”Doesn’t matter, just throw it here!” ”Okay!” //
”Take this!”

”There, problem solved for a while but – ” ”Hey, you’re bleeding! You need bandaging!” //
”Luckily, we’ve taken the first aid course!” ”Take off your shirt!” ”We have Minions plasters!” ”No, stop! Eh…” //
”Hey, would you like to come and make pancakes with us?” ”I just might have the time… Can I keep my shirt on?”

Doctor Who by BBC
The White Tennis Sock by Legendary Bengtsår Legends 😛


Liseth Silvergull: ”Seal for breakfast?”

Pääsin taas roolipelaamaan, kun herra Brony otti minut mukaan heidän roolipeliporukkaansa. Hahmoni Liseth on kalastaja, jonka veneen nimi on Hopealokki. Hänen lemmikkinäätänsä Briel toimii Hopealokin ”laivakissana” ja Lisethin uskollisena seuralaisena. Oli hauska pelata, seuraavaa kertaa odotellessa 🙂
I got role playing again when Mr Brony took me to play with his friends. My character Liseth is a fisher who has a boat named Silvergull. Her pet pine marten Briel is Silvergull’s ”ship cat” and Liseth’s faithful companion. It was fun to play, I’m looking forward to the next time 🙂


”I’m going to Scotland, which is super nice of course, but I have to travel with hand luggage only (because I don’t want to pay 30 euros extra…)…” //
”…so I can’t take my Swiss Army Knife with me!” //
”How do you think I’ll survive my adventures without my faithful weapon?!” //
”’A warrior’s most important weapon is not his sword but his mind.'” //
”MacGyver! What are you doing here?” ”Nothing. This is all just your imagination.” //
”I don’t recall you ever saying any wise things like that, either.” ”Like I said, your imagination.” //
”Fascinating…” ”Hey! That’s my line!” //
”And why wasn’t I invited to solve this crisis?” ”This was kind of a… pocket knife thing.” ”Fair enough.”

MacGyver created by Lee David Zlotoff
Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry

Jediarkistojen kätköistä


On ollut viime aikoina aika haipakkaa, niin saatte tyytyä joskus yläasteelle taiteilemaani sarjakuvaan ”Darth X ja jäinen kanankoipi”.
I’ve been rather busy lately so you’ll have to settle for this little ”Darth X and the Frozen Chicken” comic I made back in middle school.
Darth X_n
Meillä oli yläasteella Lumihevosen kanssa tällainen ”Inspiraatio-vihko”, johon piirtelimme kolmen vuoden ajan kaikkea randomia. Niin paljon hevosia… Oikeastaan kyseisiä vihkoja kertyi lopulta vuosien varrella viisi, mutta loput niiden sisältämästä taiteesta saavat jäädä pöytälaatikkooni.
During middle school, Snowhorse and I had this ”Inspiration notebook” in which we drew all sorts of random stuff. And so many horses. In the end we had five of those notebooks over the years but the rest of the art in them will remain in my drawer.

Star Wars created by George Lucas.