Joulujakso 2022


Koko blogini historian ajan olen postannut jouluaattona jotakin Doctor Who -teemaista. Miksi luopua perinteistä? Joskin tänä vuonna katsomani uudet jaksot olivatkin lähinnä huonoja, ja niistä syntyisi vain sellaista sarjakuvaa jossa valitan niiden huonoudesta. Siksi palataan ajassa takaisin neljännen Tohtorin aikaan!
Throughout the history of my blog I have posted something Doctor Who themes on Christmas Eve. Why give up the tradition? Even though the new episodes I’ve watched this year have been mainly bad and they’d only make comics of me complaining about their quality. So let’s travel back in time to the days of the fourth Doctor!

Kuvassa näkyvät sanat ovat sitaatti Bruce Springsteenin kappaleesta Two Hearts, ja jos harrastaisin fanivideoiden tekemistä, olisin jo aikaa sitten tehnyt videon Tohtorista ja hänen matkakumppaneistaan tämän biisin tahtiin. Tykkään erityisesti kohdasta ”grow up to dream again” – ehkä se kuvaa vähän sitä, miksi uudet jaksot eivät oikein iske minuun: niissä yritetään olla niin kovin syvällisiä ja vakavia, että unohdetaan unelmoida ja seikkailla ja pitää hauskaa. Vähän niin kuin teininä, kun koitti olla kovin vakava ja aikuinen, kunnes kasvoi vähän isommaksi ja tajusi, että välillä saa ja kannattaa hullutella. Niin kuin kuvassa esiintyvä neljäs Tohtori sanoi: ”Ei ole järkeä olla aikuinen, jos ei joskus saa olla lapsellinen!”
The quote in this picture is from Bruce Springsteen’s song Two Hearts, and if I were into making fan videos I would have already made one to this song about the Doctor and his companions. I especially like the part ”grow up to dream again” – maybe it’s kinda why I’m not a huge fan of the new episodes: they try so hard to be deep and serious that they forget to dream and go on adventures and have fun. A bit like when, as a teenager, you tried so hard to be very serious and adult until you grew up and realized that it’s okay and good to fool around sometimes. Like the fourth Doctor, pictured here, once said, ”There’s no point being grown-up if you can’t be childish sometimes!”

Hyvää joulua kaikille!
Have a Merry Christmas, everyone!

PS. Niille, joille vitsi ei aukea: Doctor Whon Tohtori ei ulkonäöstään huolimatta ole ihminen vaan Ajan Herra, ja heillä on kaksi sydäntä. Mutta ehkä kolme on vielä parempi?
PS. For those who didn’t get the joke: the Doctor in Doctor Who is, despite his appearances, not a human but a Time Lord, and they have two hearts. But maybe three is even better?

Doctor Who by BBC

Interrail 5: Lontoo


”One thing that I don’t understand about the architecture in London or generally in Britain…” //
…are these pits between sidewalks and and house walls. //
”You can’t grow plants there because they’re too dark.” //
”And from the downstairs windows you have this breathtaking (dim-lit) view to the opposite wall. Or maybe trash cans.” //
”And all you get in this pit protected by a fence is rain water, fallen leaves and candy wrappers! Yuck.” //
”What is the point of this pit and why are they everywhere in Britain? If someone can explain, I’d actually really appreciate it.”

Kävin Lontoon eläintarhassa. Piirsin siellä eläimiä.
I visited London Zoo. I drew animals there.

”Everyone thinks we’re some sort of ninja dinosaurs. Not cool, bro!” ”Well, at least it’s not frogs anymore! But I’m not surprised that long-necked turtles weren’t the inspiration for TMNT…”

Lumihevonen innostui pitkäkaulaisesta kilpikonnasta ja piirsi hienomman ninjakilpikonnan.
Snowhorse got excited about the long-necked turtle and drew a better ninja turtle.

”In an earlier comic I wondered why there’s so often this pit between the sidewalk and the building in Britain.” //
I asked Mudkip who is a Londoner. ”They weren’t originally built that way.” //
”Initially, the buildings had windowless basements. Later on, they were turned into apartments, and people wanted them to have windows.” //
”Fences were made so that people wouldn’t fall into the pits.” //
”…but it’s still a dark pit that collects rain water and trash, right?” ”Yep.” //
”And here in the center the rents are crazy.” ”I wouldn’t pay to be able to see a pit from the window.”

If you’re planning to sleep in a hostel room with other people at some point… //
…make sure you wake up when your alarm rings. //
If you don’t tend to wake from your alarm… //
…change it to something that will wake you up. //
Because if you don’t… //
…you might be woken up by something else completely.

Jatkuu… // To be continued…

TMNT by Kevin Eastman & Peter Laird

Täältä tullaan, Redwall!


Aloin miettiä, miltä sarjishahmoni Kurre-orava ja varpuspöllö Varpu näyttäisivät lapsuuteni suosikkikirjojen eli Redwallin tarun maisemissa. Aika söpöiltä näyttäisivät.
I started to wonder what my comic characters Shadow the squirrel and Sally the pygmy owl would look like in the world of Redwall, my childhood favorite book series. I think they’d look pretty cute.

A Tale of Redwall by Brian Jacques

SJEP: Äkilliset loput


”Every comic, whether it is a published series or a small blog, end at some point.” //
”Even the really big ones that have been published in many countries for decades! One day it’ll be the very last issue.” //
”And if the comic only has one maker it is even more natural that one day it will end.” //
”There are many reasons for this, and many of them are good, Maybe the artist’s life was changed due to a new job or a baby. Or maybe they lost interest in their comic.” //
”Of course, if possible, it would be nice if the artist would tell that they’re not going to continue with their comic so that the readers won’t be left wondering what has happened.” //
”Because it’s very dull if a good comic just suddenly en

SJEP: Muuttuva tyyli


”When a comic artist makes a lot of comics, they mostly get better at it and often their art style changes.” //
”You can see it in Asterix comics, for example. In the first album, Uderzo’s drawing style is very different than in the last.” //
”Even in my blog the style has changed over the years. Luckily!” //
”I say luckily because it’s a sign that I have developed. Changing styles become a problem if it happens in the middle of the story.” //
”Especially sudden, not plot-related changes in the art style confuse the reader. Unless it is used a short-term effect.” //
”The Tex Willer artist Fabio Civitelli has said that he draws long stories by beginning at the end, drawing backwards to the midpoint and then taking it up from the beginning and drawing again to the middle. This is so that the style in the beginning and in the end would be as close to each other as possible.” //
”It is important for every artist to develop and try new stuff… but let’s not sacrifice the comic or the reader to this change!”

SJEP: Jännät ruudut


”One thing you oftentimes see in comic drawing guides…” //
”…is that you should use interestingly shaped (=non-rectangular) panes to make the page look more interesting.” //
”I myself hate this. It CAN work, for example it is often used in manga.” //
”But in-between interestingly shaped panels there is often unused space… like here and there!” //
”Of course you can modify rectangles such as with this speech bubble trick – but the basic shape is still a rectangle! JP Ahonen uses this a lot in the Northern Overexposure comics.” //
”In actin scenes and scenes that are confusing to a character interestingly shaped panels are a good special effect. But in peaceful scenes they’re more a disturbance.” //
”You also have to be careful not to mess the reading order…” There? Or there? //
”Interestingly shaped panels can easily make the page restless and confusing!” Earthquake? //
”When used well and sparingly, non-rectangular panels can create a sense of action or other effects…” //
”…but mostly I would recommend that you’re stick to rectangles.”

SJEP: Selityslaatikot


Finland, an afternoon in October, 5.42 pm. Kati. ”Welcome back to the Comic Things I Dislike series.” //
This is the newest episode of the series! ”Today my topic are explanation boxes.” //
This is an explanation box! ”By them I mean those small panels in which it is explained what is happening in the comic.” //
Now Kati will talk about explanation boxes. ”Explanation boxes are often good and useful. You can, for example, tell the location or time period of the comic in them.” //
Here Kati talks more. ”But too much is too much. For example, if the exact time isn’t important, just leave it out.” //
Here’s the next panel. ”Many old newspaper comics have plenty of explanation boxes because of how they were published. Because every strip ends with a cliffhanger! Reading it as a book is pretty terrible…” This is an example of a newspaper comic! //
Oh no, no Kati stumbled! ”And just don’t use the explanation box to explain what is in the picture or what is happening in it. That’s the picture’s job! Using an explanation box like this gives the feeling that the artist doesn’t trust themselves, their comic or the reader.” That is a rock. //
This is the last panel where Kati is laying on the ground. ”Even this comic would be better without the explanation boxes.”



”Hello again! Welcome back to my comic series about comics!” //
”This one is one of the no-so-annoying ones in this series! At least to me!” //
”Unlike many of the other topics, this one doesn’t have that much to do with the planning but more with the finishing!” //
”And this is the thing! Constant usage of exclamation points!”
”Even though Tex Willer is a great comic it sometimes overuses exclamation points!” //
They are all right in a fight scene! ”Look out!” ”Aagh!” ”Behind you!” //
”But people don’t tent to exclaim constantly when they’re talking!” ”Indeed!” //
”Exclamation marks are really useful if someone is actually exclaiming or shouting something! But if they’re used all the time it just looks that everyone is constantly YELLING!” //
”And now… Another pretty similar… and equally annoying thing… Which is… Constantly… overusing… ellipses…”

Huomasin sittemmin, että ”…” on ”pistekolmikko” tai ”ellipsi”. Kolmoispiste taas liittyy fysiikkaan ja on se lämpötilan ja paineen suhteen ”optimaalinen” kohta, jossa aineen kolme olomuotoa eli kaasu, neste ja kiinteä, ovat tasapainossa. En tajunnut tätä tussatessani.

SJEP: Väärin asetellut puhekuplat


”Hi, so nice that you invited me!” ”Hello again, everyone! Today I invited Snowhorse to talk about comics with me.” //
”Yes, they’re an important topic.” ”Today’s topic is speech bubbles.” //
”Indeed, it is very annoying if it’s done wrong.” ”And especially the placing of speech bubbles.” //
”And if reading is slow and difficult you can’t really enjoy the story.” ”The ’flow’ of the comic is broken if the speech bubbles are placed in a wrong order and you have to think about which order to read them in.” //
”You sometimes even see wrongly place speech bubbles in published comics.” ”I understand it in some really old comics but not in new ones.” //
”It is bad all right, but also avoidable.” ”To me, this is probably the most annoying thing in this whole series!” //
”Yep, and you can always ask someone to read your sketches because the artist often becomes ’blind’ to their own mistakes. Slowly does it!” ”Yes! Good planning and making a storyboard are good ways to avoid placing your speech bubbles wrong.”

SJEP: Tunkeminen


”Many of the problems I have discussed in my comic series are avoidable with good before-hand planning. The topic of this comic, placing things in the comic, is a great example of this.” //
”It is often difficult to plan in your mind how you’re going to place everything in your comic.” //
”That’s why you should plan ahead and make a storyboard.” //
”It is especially useful if you’re making a longer story with a page limitation.” //
”Shorter comics, such as one-page-long strips are still easy to plan in your head.” //
”But with longer comics you might use up too much space in the beginning…” //
”…and in the end you have to cram when you run out of space!”