”Guess what I think would be the most romantic way for a nerd to propose to another nerd?” ”Yes?” //
”Of course by saying, ’guess what have I got in my pocket’.” ”That would be romantic all right.”
Arkistot kuukauden mukaan: maaliskuu 2017
Terveisiä Keskimaasta
Sain taas paljon kirjeitä
Jonkin… oikea käsi
1997, 2007, 2017
”I recently realized that years with a seven in the end hve been important in my life.” //
1997: I was five years old, and this is the firs year I really remember. I took the first photograph of my life. I traveled on an airplane without an adult (with my six-year-old big brother). I learned to read! ”I want a hobby!” I decided to go to art school! //
2007: I found my role model (for real). I started to keep a diary. I went to the first hike of my life. I got my Swiss Army Knife and my pocket watch. //
”Pressure’s on you, this year!” ”You could graduate?”
Kokkailua Pomon kanssa
Olin siis viikonloppuna Luonto-Liiton koulutuksessa laittamassa ruokaa. Ja kuuntelin musiikkia perunoita kuoriessani.
I was cooking in Nature League’s happening. And listened to music while peeling potatoes.
”Meh.” //
”Yeah… at least in this NGO.” //
”I cook for a large group of people with no training whatsoever! No need for education!” //
”Well you ain’t finding it from here.”
All the songs above (Shackled and Drawn, Jack of All Trades, You’ve Got It and Easy Money) by Bruce Springsteen.