Tämä sarjis on luultavasti mielekkäämpi, jos olet nähnyt Clone Warsin jakson Landing at Point Rain. Jos et ole, voit katsoa olennaisen pätkän täältä, lähinnä viimeinen minuutti on tarpeen. Jesse ei ole katsonut kyseistä pätkää, ja siksi hän ei tiedä, mitä oikein tapahtuu.
This comic probably makes more sense if you’ve seen the Clone Wars episode Landing at Point Rain. If you haven’t, you can watch the essential parts here, mainly the last minute or so is important. Jesse hasn’t watched that clip so he doesn’t understand what’s going on.
”So there, that was my Star Wars May! I hope you had as much fun reading it as I had drawing it.” //
”Ahem, excuse me.” //
”Yes, Mr Spock?” ”It would be nothing but logical to make a Star Trek Month as well.” //
”And a ninja turtle month.” ”Hey, us too!” ”What birds are we?” ”I want my own appreciation month!” ”Same here!” ”We wouldn’t be opposed to one either!” //
”Right. Aramis, you’d so be a shelduck.” //
”And MacGyver, my whole life is practically your appreciation month!”
Niin, ja sitten tulin luvanneeksi Lumihevoselle oman sarjiksen paidattomista klooneista (saavat muutkin sen lukea). Tämä tapahtuu Clone Warsin jakson The Deserter aikana.
Yeah, and I happened to promise Snowhorse a comic about shirtless clones (others may read this, too). This happens during the Clone Wars episode The Deserter.
”This is going great again. I was shot in the chest…” //
”…my brothers left me to heal in some random dude’s barn…” //
”…and now some damn space cow is licking my face!” //
”I guess it wouldn’t be embarrassing for a soldier to cry for his mother in a situation like this.” //
”…if I had a mother, that is.”
Star Wars created by George Lucas