Toukokuun neljännen Star Wars -päivitys


7th grade: ”Do you like Star Wars?” ”Yes!” //
Summer of 8th grade: ”We should have a Star Wars marathon!” ”Are we gonna watch ALL of Star Wars?” ”Of course, all the six movies!” //
9th grade: ”What color should this character’s lightsaber be?” ”Blue? What will these guys say here?” //
As adults: ”Everything sucks.” ”Wanna watch Revenge of the Sith?” ”Sure.” //
In my 30th birthday party: ”I made you a High Ground cake!” ”Best!” //
The other night: ”I wonder why Echo’s CT-number was changed?” ”Don’t know but just imagine Rex and Jesse trying to sort it out!” ”Haha, yeah 😀 ” //
”Our friendship is old enough to go to a bar but our conversation topics haven’t really changed.” ”Yep.”

Ihan vain mainitakseni, että olen huomannut bathan huoneessa: mulla on ristiriitainen suhde uudempaan, Disney-kauden Star Warsiin. Osa siitä on täyttä rautaa ja beskaria (Clone Warsin 7-kausi ja Bad Batch esimerkiksi), osa taas pettymys (Obi-Wan Kenobi), ja jatko-osaleffat oli täysi huti mun kohdilta. Mutta mikään ei muuta sitä, miten hyvää alkuperäinen Star Wars on (ja etko-osatkin, jos jättää huomiotta dialogin, ja Clone Wars -sarja), eikä mikään voi pilata minulta niitä – tai sitä, kuinka mun ja Lumpparin ystävyys kirjaimellisesti alkoi Star Warsista ja edelleen jatkuu samoissa merkeissä <3
Just to address the bantha in the room: I have very mixed feelings about the newer, Disney-era Star Wars stuff. Some of it has been diamond and beskar (season 7 of Clone Wars and Bad Batch, for example), some have been a let-down (Obi-Wan Kenobi) and the sequel movies totally missed the mark with me. But nothing can change how good the original Star Wars movies are (and the prequels too if you skip the dialoque, and the Clone Wars series as well), and nothing can take those away from me – or the fact that Snowhorse and I literally became friends because of Star Wars and is still continuing in the same way <3

Star Wars created by George Lucas

Kaapissa, kaapista, kaappiin


”Question.” ”Yes?” //
”If someone suffers from claustrophobia, can they really be in the closet about it?” ”Hmm.” //
”Counter question.” ”Yes?” //
”If someone suffers from agoraphobia, can they come out of the closet about it?” ”Hmm.” //
”Maybe, if they come out from the back, going to Narnia.” ”Well.” //
”Narnia is a pretty big place.” ”It’s still all inside that wardrobe.” //
”Hmm.” ”Hmm.”

Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis

Ei voi aallokko lyödä jos tuuleton on taivas


”It’s awesome to watch Spirit again!” ”Yeah, proper childhood nostalgia! Here we go!” //
30 seconds later… ”Boo-hoo!” ”There, there, cry all you want…” //
”– And it is this manner of small thinking that would say this horse could never be broken.” //
”Discipline, time, and patience –” //
”– are the three great levelers.” ”Shut up, Colonel!” //
”Spirit’s gonna show you where you can shove your discipline, time and patience!” ”Right! Because Spirit is not patient, he’s undisciplined and he’s timeless!”

Spirit – Stallion of the Cimarron by DreamWorks

Valitsen sinut, Tursamon!


”I’m reading a book about octopuses.” //
”It says there that an octopus has been seen carrying…” //
…a coconut shell as it was ’walking’ along the sea bottom. //
And it didn’t have just one half, but two compatible ones… //
…that it used to build itself a shelter when a danger appeared! //
”I mean, this octopus was
planning ahead and carrying with it a shelter it could assemble when needed! This is the only animal, alongside human, that can do such a thing!” //
”It’s like a Pokémon that caught itself in a ball!” ”It’s the BEST Pokémon!” //

Lukemani kirja on Peter Godfrey-Smithin Other Minds: The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life. Kiintoisa videonpätkä erään tursaan kookospähkinäkodista löytyy täältä.
The book I was reading was Other Minds: The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life by Peter Godfrey-Smith. An interesting video of an octopus’ coconut home can be found here.



The Adventures of MacGyver and Kati! //
”Awesome, we got out of the shed! Let’s quickly escape to the woods before the baddies notice us!” //
”Let’s sabotage their car first so they can’t come after us.” ”How are you going to that?” //
”I’ve got a POTATO! I’ll stuff it into the exhaust pipe!” ”Uhm, Mac…” //
”…this is an electric car. It doesn’t have an exhaust pipe.” ”!” //
”Indeed… Are these people such bad guys after all? They drive an electric car which is better for the environment…” ”They STOLE that car! And they locked us into that shed AND they’re currently plotting a murder!” //
”So could you please just go back into the shed to see if there’s something there we could use to break the tyres, the old-fashioned way?” ”Oh, yeah, good point.” //
”But I’m keeping the potato.” ”Great, we can eat it later.”

Kämppikseni oli jo sitä mieltä, että tämä sarjakuva herättää niin paljon kysymyksiä siitä, kuka aikoo murhata ja kenet, että minun pitäisi tehdä tälle jatko-osa.
My flatmate already said that this comic raises so many questions concerning who is going to murder and whom that I should make a sequel.

MacGyver created by Lee David Zlotoff

Forth, Eorlingas!

”It’s nice to watch The Lord of the Rings again.” ”Indeed, they are such good movies.” //
”…and here come the Riders of Rohan charging!” ”Go Rohirrim!” //
”They did well until the Haradrim joined the battle with their olifants.” ”Yeah, they’re pretty nasty enemies.” //
”On the other hand, this is a pretty cool mounted troops vs mounted troops battle.” ”Except that Haradrim would be like…” //
”You call that mounted troops? We’ve got mounted troops!” //
”We’ve got a mount — that can carry all our troops!”

The Lord of the Rings written by J.R.R. Tolkien, the movies directed by Peter Jackson

Talviretki 2: Kaikki kokoon!


”So, this is going to be a hike. We could be the Fellowship of the Ring!” ”Eh, there’s just six of us, it’s too few.” //
”But — we can be the Avengers!” //
”Who’s gonna be who, then?” ”We’ll find that out over time.” //
”Kati is carrying all the heavy stuff, Kati is the Hulk!” //
”Snowhorse has all the orienteering technology, she can be Iron Man!” //
”Ha, I found the wood shed!” ”You have keen eyes, you get to be Hawkeye.”

”I can come and make the path again.” ”That’s brave! You’re like Captain America!” //
”I can carry your backpack up.” ”You’re strong, too, you can be Thor!” //
”Who am I, now?” ”Black Widow, not bad either.” //
”And there we go, everyone has a role.”
Avengers assemble!!!

”My inner DJ would like to play The Uralic Rowan (and old folk song) right about now.” ”Well, we can sing it now that we’re cooking.” //
(Singing the song) //
”This image suddenly popped into my head where Hulk and Iron Man are singing The Uralic Rowan in a wilderness hut.” //
(Singing the song)
”He he he.” ”Ha ha ha.”

”So, today we shall continue to that hut we rented. In daylight.” //
”This is pretty much just as hard like this, too!” //
Thump! ”You okay?” ”Yeah.” //
”We should sing an uplifting song now.” ”What would you suggest?” //
”Well, for example…” (Starts singing the Finnish national anthem) //
(Singing the ending of the Finnish national anthem) //
”That was surprisingly uplifting!” ”Hehe!” ”Haha!”

”How do we get out of here, with 16 kilometers of uncleared snowy road on our way?” //
”I think I can help.” ”Hulk?!” //
BLAF! //
”Ta-dah!” ”Wow! Thanks, Hulk!” //
”Too bad that was just a dream.” ”Yeah. We still have those 16 kilometers of snowy road there…”

Jatkuu… // To be continued…

The Avengers by Marvel


Pelasin aikanaan yhdessä larpissa muinaisen Kreikan jumalten sanansaattajaa Hermestä. Hahmo oli niin hauska pelata, että jäi mainiosti mieleen. Siksi piirsin hänet yhtenä iltana viime syksynä, en ihan sellaisena kuin pelasin häntä vaan siten, kuin ajattelisin hänen olevan.
Once I played Hermes, the messenger of ancient Greek gods, in a LARP. He was such a fun character to play that I still remember him fondly. Therefore, I drew him one night last autumn, not quite the way I played him but the way I’d imagine him to be.

Pelissä minulla todella oli sulilla koristellut sandaalit, mutta ne eivät tietenkään oikeasti sallineet minun lentää. Mutta olin kiinnittänyt niihin kulkusia, jolloin kuului pieni helinä aina, kun kuljin ympäriinsä, ja se oli minusta hirveän hauska yksityiskohta. Pelipaikalla ollut kissa oli myös hirveän kiinnostunut Hermeksen kengistä.
In the LARP, I really was wearing sandals decorated with feathers but of course they didn’t actually allow me to fly. But I had attached jingle bells to them so there was this little jingling sound whenever I was walking, and I think it was a really fun detail. The cat who lived there also found Hermes’s shoes very interesting.


Kalenterin kansikuva Lumihevoselle: Clone Warsin/Bad Batchin kloonisotilas Echo Bad Batchin ensimmäisen tuotantokauden asusteissaan.
A calendar cove picture for Snowhorse: Clone Trooper Echo from the Clone Wars/Bad Batch, in his Bad Batch armor from season 1.

Star Wars by Lucasfilm

Interrail 10: Kotiinpaluu


”I admit, I’m sometimes really dumb.” //
I had to spend several hours in the middle of the night between trains in Paris… //
”…so I thought that I’ll just spend that time at the railway station!” //
They CLOSE the stations for the night! (We open at 5.) //
”Well, had to live with that, then. I walked up and down Boulevard de Magenta for some three hours. No one came to harrass me but it was really boring!” //
”Next time I’ll go to a hostel. I’m not that poor.” //

”Moaaaan!” //
”I’ve been sitting in this train for two hours already and there’s still two more hours to go! I can’t do this anymore!” //
Meanwhile, in Middle Earth: ”Uruk-hai kidnapped our friends!” ”We’ve been running after them for three days now!” ”We can still do this!” //
”…” //
”It would be cool to be part of the dúnedain… but I’m too much of a wimp for it.”

Paris: ”Still 32 hours ’til I get to the ship and breafast buffet.” //
Karlsruhe: ”22 more hours to go ’til the breakfast buffet.” //
Copenhagen: ”10 more hours.” //
Stockholm: ”Two hours.” //
”This I’ve been waiting for!”

”And then I returned home.” //
My interrail trip took six weeks and took me to eleven countries. //
Hiking in Scotland was so much fun! //
And I met same family after a really long time. //
I didn’t really like Rome at all… //
…but Zürich was really nice!

”And of course it was awesome to meet Whale, Mudkip and Jimothy again!” //
”I drew a lot of comics already during the trip.” //
”I almost filled this sketchbook. Often I drew in the hostel beds in the evenings.” //
”It was a good idea to draw already while traveling so I didn’t have to work so hard when I got back home.” //
”And, as you probably already guessed, I had the Lord of the Rings as travel reading.” //
Though I only finished reading the appendices in the metro on my way back home!
The end of the Interrail comics.