”A coconut is a mammal.” ”…” //
”Do explain.” //
”It’s hairy and contains milk.” ”Accepted.”
Aihearkisto: Vapaa-aikaa
Musta kuin sieluni
Random lohikäärmeotus on random. Saatte sen kaupanpäällisiksi kun viime torstaina ei ollut päivitystä koska blogisysteemi bugasi.
Random dragon creature is random. You get it as an extra since there wasn’t anything on Thursday as the blog was not working.
”We are making a customer study regarding food. Could we maybe interview you?” ”Sure.” //
”What is your favorite type of chocolate?” ”Dark.” //
”And your favorite candy?” ”Salty liquoirice.” //
”What type of tea do you prefer to drink?” ”Black.” //
”What kind of bread do you eat the most?” ”Rye bread.” //
”Are you… just answering the darkest possible option every time?” ”…not on purpose.”
Siksi se oli kivikausi
”Brother Hurg, it is time to go hunt mammoths.” ”Who’s turn is it to be the bait?” //
”Let us decide by playing the rock game.” ”Good idea.” //
1…2…3…now! //
”Rock.” ”I’ve got rock as well. Let’s try again.” //
1…2…3…now! ”Rock.” ”Rock.” //
1…2…3…now! ”Rock.” ”Rock.” //
1…2…3…now! ”Rock.” ”Argh, a tie again!” //
”Brother Hurg, it seems our society still needs to achieve certain technological achievements before we can develop our democratic decision making.” ”What are you talkin’ about, man?”
Ei lunta tupaan
”Snif!” ”?” //
”Everything okay? Why are you crying?” //
”It’s nothing, just the onions.” //
”You should keep water in your mouth when you’re cutting onions. It prevents your eyes from burning.” //
”A peculiar idea, but I can give it a try next time I’m cooking.” ”You do that!” //
A couple of days later… ”Oh yeah, the water-in-mouth thing!” //
”Glug glug!” //
”Okay, this feels dumb. And I don’t know why but… this is working!”
”I found a list of the worst jargon words. They were terrible. My favorite one was ’vertical upright connection’.” //
”Like… it’s kinda a tautology in itself. ’Vertical’ means upright!” //
”And do you know what a ’vertical upright connection’ means? An ELEVATOR.” //
”Would the opposite of that be something like a ’horizontal level connection’?” ”You mean, like… a ROAD?” //
”Or one of those moving walkways they have on airports?” ”Yeah, that.” //
”And then there’s of course a ’diagonal’… uhm…” ”Slanted?” ”Yes, a ’diagonal slanted connection’.” //
”And what would that be?” ”STAIRS.” ”A master level in useless jargon achieved.”
CRASH! ”?” //
”?” //
”??” //
”Rana! The cover of Puru’s terrarium has fallen off, and now I can’t find Puru anywhere!” //
”Look for slime. And remember they can go up the walls as well.” ”It’s nearly midnight and we’re searching for a mollusk…” //
”Here! They’re under this plant here.” //
”Luckily snails aren’t too fast.” ”How about still attaching that cover properly?”
Best man
”You know… as your best man I have many responsibilities, such as giving a speech.” ”Yes.” //
”But the most important one – to me, personally – is making sure you don’t run away from your own wedding.” ”How so?” //
”Well. Back in the day, it was the best man’t job to see that nothing would happen to the groom. However, if something DID happen, it was the best man’s duty to marry the now ’widowed’ bride.” //
”And since your other best men are married (to each other!) the law does not allow them to marry your bride. I, on the other hand, would not have a legal obstacle in this matter.” //
”And even though your bride is a very lovely person, I’m simply not leaning that way. So I’m just trying not to get married here.” //
”…so that would explain the snipers on the roof…” ”Yes.” //
”Well, Mr Brony didn’t try to run away before the wedding. So congratulations to him and his bride – I mean WIFE!” //
”And those snipers only had tranquilizer darts. And excellent aim.”
Päivän pelastaja
I went to a restaurant with Mr Brony, his bride and his other best men. //
”Aah! A bee!” //
”She won’t do anything to us.” ”Yeah, but I’m terrified of bees. I’ll go ask a waiter if they could do something about it.” //
”I hope that ’something’ isn’t ’a flyswatter’…” //
”Of course. I’ll try to come up with something.” ”Thank you.” //
”Got you, bee! Now, let’s take you outdoors.” //
”Thank you so much!” ”Also for the bee.” ”No problem!” //
”This is probably but a small thing… but this waiter handled the situation really well and cared for everyone involved. The bee-fearing customer was helped… as well as the small animal that had just ended up in a wrong place. And that made me feel really good.”
”I’m tired, will be back at some point”
Tein viime vuonna näihin aikoihin koko lailla samanlaisen postauksen, jossa totesin että olen lomalla ja päivitän blogia jos jaksan. Sama tänään. En ole myöskään oikein jaksanut piirtää sarjiksia, eikä oikein ole huvittanutkaan, niin postaan mitä sattuu jos siltä tuntuu. Vähän unta ja teetä, kyllä se tästä taas lähtee.
Around this time last year I made a rather similar post as this one where I stated that I’m on vacation and will update the blog if I bother. Same today. I haven’t really had the energy or motivation to draw any comics lately either so I’ll post whatever I feel like if I feel like it at all. A little tea and some sleep and I’ll be up to it again.
No, ostin kyllä uusia tusseja ja käytin niitä piirtääkseni pienen kuvan Jeanista, joka on ihana velociraptor-pehmolelu, jonka Lumppari antoi minulle <3
Well, I did buy some new markers and drew a picture of Jean, the lovely velociraptor plushie that I got from Snowhorse <3