Moikka maailma!


”This is my last post in this blog.” //
”Not because I’d want to. But because this comic blog platform will be archived soon. On March 26th, 2025, that is.” //
”I set up this blog in September 2015 to be my ’official exchange blog’. After that it’s continued as a comic journal and art gallery. Within these almost ten years I have posted 1147 comics and other artsy articles here. They’ll remain here to be read but cannot be edited or commented anymore.”
”And because I like this way of publishing more than algorithm-based social media I’m going to continue writing a blog. I shall move to”
”It’s been fun and educating to read all of your comments over the years and to know that I’m not doing this just for myself. Thank you for that.” //
”I hope I’ll meet you in the new blog soon!”

PS. Tietäjät tietää, mutta kun loi blogin, sen ensimmäinen, automaattisesti luotu postaus oli nimeltään ”Moikka maailma!” Kaikki tietenkin poistivat sen ja laittoivat tilalle jotain muuta. Mutta ajattelin, että siihen on hyvä lopettaa. It’s like poetry, it rhymes.

RIP Bruce

Jaaha, palvelu bugasi taas viime viikon… no, tässä sentään tämän päivän sarjis.
Well, the site was down again last week… at least here’s today’s comic.

”Bruce the roach seems to have died.” ”Could you try CPR?” //
”Well… Insects don’t have lungs so mouth-to-mouth would be a bit challenging.” //
”And they don’t really have circulatory system either. So that heart-compression part would be slightly difficult as well.” //
”So I think I’ll just bury Bruce in the flower pot next to Steve.” ”RIP Bruce.”

Museolla taas


Mentiin töistä käymään Luonnontieteellisellä museolla. Kävin siellä usein opiskeluaikoinani piirtämässä eläimiä, joten piti tietenkin verestää muistoja siitäkin.
I went to the Natural History Museum because of work. When I was studying, I often went there to draw, so I had to try that again.



”Haaa-tchuuu! Phew, what a flu! I still gotta go do my groceries.” //
”Oh, those are some good-looking tangerines! And blood oranges too!” //
”I normally don’t drink that much juice but I’m really craving for orange juice now. And for blackcurrant juice as well.” //
”My body seems to know I’m in the need of some vitamin C…”



I traveled to Austria with my Big Brother for out Grandma’s 90th birthday. //
”I’ve got some chocolate, would you like some?” ”Yeah, thanks!” //
”Gnom!” //
”This was like a feel-good chocolate. Not that I wasn’t feeling good already…” //
”…but it just made me feel BETTER nevertheless!”

(My Little Brother’s 2-year-old daughter) ”Yellow!” ”Good! What about this one?” ”Blue!” ”Correct.” //
”What’s this color?” ”Green!” ”Um… try again.” //
”Green!” ”No, it’s… well, what color is THIS?” ”Green!” ”Yes!” //
”And this is…?” ”Green!” ”No, that’s RED.” //
”What have you been teaching to your kid?” ”Hey, I’m color blind!” ”Oh yeah right.”

”It was probably a good idea that you brought your four-month-old baby to Grandma’s 90th birthday party.” ”How so?” //
”Well’, she’s clearly the most popular person in this party! And you don’t even have to hold her because everyone else wants to.” //
”And she’s the best form of entertainment for elderly relatives. Keeps them happy and out of any mischievous acts for hours!”

Last time I was in Austria my German was like a beat-up puppy. ”No! I don’t want to come out!” //
This time it was much more active and brave. ”Maybe it’s not that bad after all.”

”I’ve heard that a human’s memory system is closely linked to the sense of smell in the brain. That’s why smells and tastes so easily trigger memories from childhood.” //
”I’ve noticed this to be true. At least when it comes to cumin bread.” //
”In Southern Austria they make this really good, dark cumin bread. I ate it every time I visited my grandparents as a kid.” //
My Grandfather (who is no more) used to buy those huge loaves of bread. We ate in the kitchen of their old house (it is no more, either). //
I always remember my Grandfather sitting therein the kitchen, cutting that huge cumin loaf. There was a special technique for that. //
”I think Grandfather would like that memory. And the cumin bread is still good.”



”Mom… where do baby stegosaurs come from?” ”My child…” //
”…the time has come when I should tell you about the birds and the bees. However… bees have not evolved yet.” //
”True story. Bees only first appeared some 20 million years after stegosaurs went extinct. Makes you think.” //
”On the other hand, the way in which stegosaurs, well… did start the life of a new generation… is a bit of a mystery. Them being the shape that they are.”

Jaa mitkä ”kattoliskot”? Nimi ”Stegosaurus” tarkoittaa kattoliskoa, koska alun perin sen selkäkilpien ajateltiin olleen sen selän suojana kuin kattotiilet.
Why ”roof lizards”? The name ”Stegosaurus” means roofed lizard because it was originally thought that their back plated would have been protecting their backs like roof tiles.

Kannattava ajatus


”I’ve been planning my own fantasy world a lot lately.” //
”I don’t have giants there but four-meter-tall, four-armed frogs.” //
”I’ve also been developing a writing system for them but I can’t decide if they would write horizontally or vertically.” //
”I think frogs would obviously write vertically.” ”Why?” //
”We mammals have the atlas vertebra in our necks which allows for up-and-down movement of the head… and the axis vertebra that allows the head the move side-to-side.” //
”Frogs, however, lack the axis vertebra so they cannot move their heads from side to side. Therefore they would write vertically.” //
”Well, that solves it. Vertically it is.” ”I’m just wondering why THIS is what I remember from my fresher’s year’s animal anatomy class…”

Vesi kaikissa muodoissaan


”It’s so nice that there’s snow now!” ”Indeed it is!” //
”Such a cute creek.” ”And beautiful ice patterns!” //
”Haha, this steam rising from the glogg looks awesome.” ”Ooh!” //
Dear diary, today I watched different states of water.



Kämppikseni Rana oli sitä mieltä, että mistä tahansa möntistä voi piirtää sammakon. Päätin kokeilla. Rana oli oikeassa.
My flatmate Rana thought that any shape could be turned into a frog. I decided to try this. Rana was right.

Nuo silmät? Niitä paperinpaloja, mitä jää kun reijittää paperia.
Those eyes? Those little pieces of paper you get when using a paper puncher.