”This is my last post in this blog.” //
”Not because I’d want to. But because this comic blog platform will be archived soon. On March 26th, 2025, that is.” //
”I set up this blog in September 2015 to be my ’official exchange blog’. After that it’s continued as a comic journal and art gallery. Within these almost ten years I have posted 1147 comics and other artsy articles here. They’ll remain here to be read but cannot be edited or commented anymore.”
”And because I like this way of publishing more than algorithm-based social media I’m going to continue writing a blog. I shall move to”
”It’s been fun and educating to read all of your comments over the years and to know that I’m not doing this just for myself. Thank you for that.” //
”I hope I’ll meet you in the new blog soon!”
PS. Tietäjät tietää, mutta kun loi blogin, sen ensimmäinen, automaattisesti luotu postaus oli nimeltään ”Moikka maailma!” Kaikki tietenkin poistivat sen ja laittoivat tilalle jotain muuta. Mutta ajattelin, että siihen on hyvä lopettaa. It’s like poetry, it rhymes.