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”My friends – my mean friends – say that if I had lived in the Stone Age, I would have opposed when someone invented the wheel.” //
”And they’re probably not wrong. I would have thought that it goes too fast.” //
”I would have asked why we should use a round wheel when the square one was just fine.” //
”Or actually, the triangular one worked really well, too. Or we could just carry everything.” //
”Yeah. I wouldn’t have invented anything beneficial to mankind’s development.” ”I think there’s one useful thing you would have invented, though.” //
”Oh? What’s that?” ”Brakes.”



Kaneja ja jäniksiä pidetään perinteisesti arkoina ja pelokkaina olentoina. Siksi varmaan kirjailijat ja elokuvantekijät yrittävät murtaa tämän kliseen ja antaa meille kovanaamapupuja. Joten saamme alla olevien kaltaisia hahmoja, ja tavallaan yritys murtaa klisee pelokkaista pupuista johtaa käänteiseen kliseeseen kovanaamaisista kaneista. Mutta en valita – nämä hahmot ovat ihan parhaita!

Rabbits and hares are traditionally thought of as shy and scared creatures. I guess this is why writers and movie makers are trying to break this trope and give us bad-ass bunnies. So we get characters like the ones pictured below, and in a way the attempt to break this trope has lead into an inverse trope of bad-ass bunnies. But I’m not complaining – these characters are awesome!

Puput vasemmalta oikealle:
– Miyamoto Usagi, samuraijänis Stan Sakain sarjakuvassa Usagi Yojimbo
– Thlayli eli Isopää, yksi Richard Adamsin Ruohometsän kansan päähenkilöistä
– E. Aster Bunnymund eli Pääsiäispupu, William Joycen kirjoihin perustuvasta Rise of the Guardians -elokuvasta
– Judy Hopps, poliisi Disneyn Zootopia-elokuvassa
– Basil Hirvi-Jänis, yksi Brian Jacquesin Redwallin taru -sarjan lukuisista soturijäniksistä

Bunnies from left to right:
– Miyamoto Usagi, a samurai rabbit from the Usagi Yojimbo comics by Stan Sakai
– Thlayli, or Bigwig, one of the main characters of Watership Down by Richard Adams
– E. Aster Bunnymund, or Easter Bunny, from the movie Rise of the Guardians, based on books by William Joyce
– Judy Hopps, a police officer from Disney’s movie Zootopia
– Basil Stag Hare, one of the many warrior hares in A Tale of Redwall series by Brian Jacques

Puuttuuko tästä joku kovanaamainen pupu?
PS. Hauska yksityiskohta: Usagi on näistä hahmoista ainoa, jolla ei ole töpöhäntää.

Did I miss some bad-ass bunny?
PS. A fun fact: Usagi is the only one of these characters who doesn’t have a tail.

Porkkala 3: Aamutee


”Morning. Did you make breakfast already?” ”I did. And – ” //
” – I made you some tea water.” ”Awesome!” //
”Though I’ll go to the toilet first so that I can enjoy the tea… uh… wholeheartedly?” //
”Or maybe emptybladderedly?” ”This.”

Porkkala 2: Bugi


We slept in tents that hang from trees. ”Z” //
”Z– Hmph. It’s half past six.” //
”Oh. There’s a centipede running in the ceiling.” //
”Oh well, I’ll sleep some more.” //
”Z” //
”Z– Half past seven.” //
”Wait a minute. There was a centipede there an hour ago already.” //
”There’s an error in the Matrix.”

Porkkala, osa 1: Voi voi!


I went camping to Porkkala with some friends for a weekend. //
”…pasta, rice, salt, bread.” ”Do we have any butter or oil?” ”Woops! I totally forgot!” //
”Oh no, what do we do now?” ”Hey, I couldn’t help hearing… We’re just leaving. We have an opened package of butter, you can have it.” //
”Thank you so much!” ”Awesome!” ”Thanks!” ”No worries.” (Faith in humanity: +2 points.)



”Berries for my morning porridge…” //
”Oh! There was a bug there!” //
Some people: ”Yuuuuuucckk!!! Yuckyuckyuckyuck! Take it AWAY!!!” //
Some others: ”Yuuuccckk help!” //
Still others: ”Could someone just throw it out? The porridge, too?” //
And some: ”If I just… toss it out of the window?” //
Me: ”Awwwwww it’s so cute! It’s a weevil of some kind!” //
”Hello little weevil! How are you? I hope you’re not hurt?”