

Olin kevään opettajana ammattikoulussa. Lähtiessäni piirsin työkaverini lintuina.
In the spring I worked as a teacher in a vocational school. When I left, I drew my work mates as birds.

Kortin sisälle piirsin itseni selittämään asioita, ja olin tietenkin varis:
I drew myself inside the card explaining things, and naturally I was a crow:

Opiskelijat olivat tällä kertaa kaikki liroja.
All the students were wood sandpipers this time.



Olin töissä ammattikoulussa puoli vuotta. Se oli enimmäkseen aika kivaa, mutta sitten oli näitä koulutuksia…
I worked in a vocational school for six months. It was mostly pretty much fun but then there were training days…

”That’s a herring gull, right?” ”Yes, that’s correct!” //
”I’d also like to welcome you to this remote training.” ”There are quite a few of you, 186 altogether.” ”…” //
”Here, have a garlic mustard chip!” ”Yummy!” //
”…when comparing to the last three years…” //
”Well, now it’s burning, good job!” ”Yes!” //
”…mirroring the values of the learning institute…” ”Z” //
”Just a little longer, you can do this!” //
”…KrOps and SePo teams and the Alisa software…” ”!!!” //
”~~~~~!” ”~~~~~!” //
”…charting the customer profile…” ”Grrrggh.”



”Birds can be identified from other things than colors and patters, too.” //
”Such as from sounds. A wood pigeon sounds something like this… wro-huu-hu-hu-huu!” ”That sounds really authentic!” //
”Woodpeckers have an easy-to-recognize flying style: flapflapflap – sliiiiide – flapflapflap – sliiiiide…” //
”Starlings mostly walk… whereas blackbirds jump, like this. A little bit quieter, though.” //
”Herons have a fun way of walking. Kinda careful and noble.” //
”A white-tailed eagle soars like a barn door tossed to the sky…” //
”…circling slowly without moving its wings… disappearing into the azure… like so…”

Joku tiira


”And what is this bird here?” ”A herring gull!” //
”That’s really close! It’s a common gull. You can tell by color of the legs.” //
”…but it’s got a fish in its mouth so of course it has to be a herring gull!” ”!?” //
”Congratulations, you have mastered the fine art of fast-talking.”

A note on the English translation: the original comic is about terns, however the joke (and the actual event!) does not translate. It does work with gulls, though, so I changed the species so that you can enjoy the good save my student came up with.

Hyvät opetusmetodit


”This one here is red sorrel, it’s easy to recognize from the shape of the leaves.” //
”And the taste is pretty sour and salty, too.” //
”Did you just eat that leaf?” ”Yes.” //
”Help help our teacher ate the teaching material!!!”



Nykyisissä töissäni yksi hommistani on opettaa lintujen tunnistusta. Ja mikäpä parempi tapa oppia linnuista kuin piirtää niitä! Tämän kuvan lintu ei ole mikään tietty lintu, vaan ”harjoituslintu”, jonka avulla opettelimme, mihin asioihin linnuissa kannattaa kiinnittää huomiota. Oikeastaan opiskelijat saivat linnusta kolme versiota: ensin musta-valkoisen taustattoman linnun (huomionarvoisina asioina esimerkiksi töyhtö sekä nokan muoto ja pituus), sitten väritetyn linnun (värit, kuviot, linnun osat joissa usein on värituntomerkkejä) ja lopuksi tämän koko kuvan (jossa on vielä äänet, liikkeet, ympäristö…).
In my current job one of my tasks is teaching how to identify birds. And what better way to learn about birds than drawing them! The bird in this picture is not any particular bird but a ”practice bird” with witch we learned what things to pay attention to in birds. In fact, the students got three versions of this same bird: first a black-and-white one without a background (things to note were, for example, the crest and length and shape of the beak), then the colored bird (colors, patterns, bird body parts that often have good characteristics) and finally this complete picture (with sounds, movements, surroundings…).

Tai, kuten herra Brony huomautti, olennaisin tuntomerkki on se, että tämä lintu osaa kävellä veden päällä…
Or, as Mr Brony pointed out, the most important characteristic of this bird is that it can walk on water…

Aina valmiina


On a trip with students: ”This weather is terrible!” ”Indeed!” //
”I wish I’d taken extra gloves with me!” ”Oh, me too.” ”I don’t want to rub this into anyone’s face, but…” //
”…I did.”

En ole täältä päin


Workplace well-being day at observatory: ”…called the Fermi paradox that asks, ’where is everybody?'” //
”Basically, there are so many galaxies and stars and thus there’s probably lots of life, too, so why haven’t we found any?” //
”Well, maybe there just isn’t life anywhere else. Or it’s too far away.” //
”Or perhaps we’ve been contacted but we haven’t understood it.” //
”Or – maybe aliens are already here but we just don’t know it” ”Hahahahahahaha!”



”We’re taking students to try mountain biking on fatbikes and electric bikes. It would be good to have another teacher there. Could you come?” ”Why not, sounds like fun.” //
Expectations: //

Oikeasti oli ihan kivaa, eikä meille edes huutanut kuin yksi tyyppi – kun me ajettiin maastopyöräilylle merkityllä reitillä…
It was actually pretty much fun, and only one person yelled at us – when we were on a path marked for mountain biking…