”Dinnertime, boys. Hello, Bruce. Clint. Tony. Steve…?” //
”Steve?” //
”Boys… I think Steve might be dead.” ”That would explain why he isn’t moving nor hissing.” //
”So, one of my roaches died. It’s a bid sad, of course, but I’ve got three left. I don’t know how old Steve was when I got him but I had him for more than a year.” //
”These roaches can live up to five years but I think they rarely do live that long. I hope that Steve had a good roach life.” //
”I’ll bury Steve in a plant jar.” //
”Would you boys like to say something?” ”No, we just hiss.”
Aihearkisto: Vapaa-aikaa
Mukava asiakas
Välihuomio: tässä en ole pariin viikkoon julkaissut, koska Sarjakuvablogit oli kaatunut. Onneksi näyttää nyt olevan kunnossa. Palaamme perinteiseen julkaisutahtiin. (Tämä tekninen häikkä tuli kyllä iloiseen tilanteeseen, kun on ollut niin kiirettä viime aikoina, etten ole ehtinyt piirtääkään kummemmin.)
Note: I haven’t posted anything in the past couple of weeks because the Comic Blogs service was down. Luckily, it seems everything is in order now. We’ll be back to our regular posting schedule. (These technical difficulties happened at a perfect time, though, as I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t really had the time to draw anyway.)
”I’d take a five euro Super Lottery ticker, please.” ”Of course.” //
”Where’s that key now…?” //
”You mean this one?” ”That is a HYPER Lottery ticket.” //
”This one…?” ”That is a ten euro ticket.” //
”This…?” ”Yes.” //
”I’m sorry. I don’t know why I messed up like this…” ”It’s alright. After all, you succeeded.”
Tämä tapaus sai minut itse asiassa tosi iloiseksi, varsinkin, kun se myyjä oli sellainen nuori nainen (vaikutti ”lukiotytöltä ensimmäisessä kesätyössään” tai jotain vastaavaa), ja asiakas oli myöhäiskeski-ikäinen ”setämies”, joten stereotyyppisesti siinä olisi voinut olla tosi ikävää kuittailua. Mutta he olivatkin oikein ystävällisiä toisilleen, varsinkin se asiakas, ja huomasin, että minun lisäkseni muut jonossa olleet ilahtuivat siitä, miten mukavia he olivat toisilleen, myyjän pienistä vaikeuksista huolimatta.
This little incident actually made me really happy, especially as the seller was a young female (something along the lines of ”a high school girl in her first summer job”) and the customer was a middle-aged man, so stereotypically there could have been some nasty mocking. But they were really nice and polite to each other, the customer especially, and I noticed that even other customers in the queue were delighted to see how nice they were to one another despite the seller’s troubles.
”I’ve got you a gift. It’s that Stegosaurus plushie you once admired.” ”I love it!” //
Some weeks later… //
”I got you the stuffed toy Velociraptor you talked about.” ”Aww!” //
”We’re women in out thirties and we buy each other dinosaur toys.” ”It’s awesome to be able to use my salary for something like this.”
”I normally sleep like a starfish, on my back. My spouse doesn’t approve, really.” ”I usually sleep on my side.” ”My favorite sleeping position is this…” //
Usually, I sleep under the blanket hugging an otter plushie. //
”Are you trying. on purpose, sleep so that you can’t breathe?” ”?” //
”I feel like everyone I talk about this with is really confused about it, but it’s really the best position for me to fall asleep in. For me, it’s a very pleasant way to be. Unfortunately, it’s a position impossible to take in a sleeping bag. In a sleeping bag, it would probably be easiest to sleep on your back, but that’s really unnatural way for me.”
Kahdeksas kuolemansynti
”Like — your mother doesn’t live here so please put your dishes in the machine. It’s not that difficult.” //
”Trust me, it’s like that on every work place.” //
”But leaving your dirty dishes in the sink is just a sin.”
”And adding water from the tap is a deadly sin!” ”It really is!”
Pörriäisillä on tärkeä paikka maailmassa
”Look! This hibiscus I got as a cutting from my mom is about to bloom!” //
”I know the flowers will be red as Mäyris once got his hibiscus to bloom, and it is a cutting from the same plant.” //
”AND I have another hibiscus which blooms in yellow flowers.” //
When they’re both abloom, I can try and pollinate them… //
”…and if it works out, I can sow the seeds. I can grow a NEW hibiscus!” //
It would be then interesting to see what kind of flowers it would make: red, yellow or some other color. //
”This could take years, though…” //
”That is probably the most biologist idea you could come up with.” ”Yeah.”
Tämä on blogin 666. sarjakuva. Sen kunniaksi pikkupiruja. Sain pari vuotta sitten hyvän ajatuksen kahdesta pienestä paholaisesta kertovaan sarjakuvaan, mutta nämä tyypit ovat jääneet aika paitsioon… Ehkä jonain päivänä, saatana.
This is the 666th comic in this blog! We celebrate with tiny devils. A couple of years ago I had an idea for a comic about two little devils but have pretty much neglected these guys since then… Maybe one day, dammit.
”Hello.” ”Do you remember us? Huh?!” ”Yeah yeah.”
Tässäpä aikoinaan piirtämäni luonnos näistä kahdesta — oikealla Kanerva ja vasemmalla Orvokki.
Here’s a sketch I once made about these two — Heather on the left and Violet on the right.