Kohtaamisia suomalaisten kanssa

Hall cafeteria:
”Are you staying here for Christmas?” ”No, I’m going home.” //
”And where’s your home?” ”In Finland.” ”Go Finland!” //
Sports center:
”Hi, I’d like to — !” //
(The most Finnish name in the world. Like, ever.) //
”I guess you’re Finnish, then.” ”Yes.” //
In a restaurant with my mother:
”And today’s specials are…” //
”What did she say?” ”She just told today’s specials.” ”Oh, I can tell them in Finnish, too!”

Sarjakuvassa esiintyvä nimi on muutettu.

Tärkeitä suunnitelmia

”In case of a zombie invasion…” ”Huh?” //
”What would you do?” //
”Hmm.. I’d probably escape in the wilderness somewhere.” ”There’s plenty of that in the Highlands.” //
”What about weapons? We’d need weapons, too.” //
”That’s easy! There’s an army base on the other side of the estuary. They even have small fighter planes there.” ”Good!” //
”And we could always use golf clubs!” //
”At least those are easy to find in this town!” ”True! Scotland is the best place to be if there’s going to be a zombie invasion!”

Jos ette tienneet, St Andrewsissa on maailman vanhin golfkenttä. Ja suunnilleen miljoonaa golfkauppaa.
In case you didn’t know, the oldest golf course of the world is in St Andrews. And there are about a million golf shops here, too.


Okay, this comic doesn’t really tell very much about what Jimothy is really like as a person. For example, he has never tried to stab Mudkip with a fork. Normally he just uses the Vulcan nerve pinch.

Kivoja ihmisiä

Aikido logo_n
Harrastin siis aikidoa yliopiston seurassa, ja oli hauskaa 😀 Mutta nyt on treenit loppu, ja tulee ikävä kivoja ihmisiä… Piirsin aikido-seuralle vaakunan, jonka tunnuslause tulee siitä, että yksi opettajistamme tekniikkaa näyttäessään sanoi: ”Nyt voisimme lyödä tähän tai potkaista tähän… mutta emme tee niin, koska me olemme kivoja ihmisiä täällä.” Ja sitten me kaikki muut aloimme hokea sitä.
I trained aikido in St Andrews University Aikido Club and it was fun 😀 But now the training is over, and I’ll miss all those nice people. The motto in the coat of arms I drew comes from something one of our teachers said when demonstrating a technique: ”Now we could hit here or kick here… but we won’t do it because we are nice people in here.” And then the rest of us started to say it all the time.

Mitä olen tehnyt viime aikoina


    Neuloin St Andrewsin huispausjoukkueelle, nimeltään St Andrews Snidgets, maskotin. Se on siis sieppeli, kuten kuuluukin. Se sai nimekseen Lord Finn K. Snidget-Cauliflower.
    I knitted a mascot for St Andrews quidditch team, the St Andrews Snidgets. He’s a snidget, as he should be. He was named Lord Finn K. Snidget-Cauliflower.
    IMG_7744_n IMG_7746_n IMG_7747_n
    Mukinmaalausta. Kukapa ei haluaisi eeppisintä scifi-mukia mitä historasta löytyy? Sisäpohjasta löytyy myös Tähtiportin symboli, valitettavasti aikaa ei riittänyt kunnollisen tähtiportin maalaamiseen.
    Mug painting. Who wouldn’t want the most epic science fiction mug in all of history? There’s also a Stargate symbol in the mug but I didn’t have time to paint a proper stargate.
    Kaverini Jimothy oli menossa juhliin eikä osannut itse solmia rusettia. Päätin auttaa, joten opettelin somimaan rusetin.
    My friend Jimothy was going to a ball and he couldn’t tie his own bow tie. I decided to help and learned to tie a bow tie.

Tunnen kuin omat taskuni

”I realized today that I was wearing SIXTEEN pockets.” //
Hat (doesn’t include pockets even though I do own a hat with pockets) //
I like pockets.

Näin jälkikäteen ajatellen oikea sana lienee ”takataskut”. Pahus, mun kyky puhua suomea rappeutuu täällä…


Whale, who studied here in St Andrews last autumn came to visit a friend of hers who studies here now. And she also had time to meet me! //
”Hi! It’s so nice to see you again!” ”Indeed! How are you?” //
I also met a couple of Whale’s friends. ”Hi, nice to meet you.” ”Likewise! I am Kati.” //
”Waaaaaiiiitttt… Are you the famous Finn who taught Whale how to bake cinnamon buns?” ”Ha ha ha ha! That’s the best compliment I’ve heard in ages!”


”Hmm, I need to buy more hand cream…” //
”Okay, who was the mastermind behind the idea of combining a pharmacy and a cosmetics store?!? One cannot breath in here!” //
”And this has to be the best way of placing products. Just saying.” Weight management – Candy.

Some day my prince will come

…or not.
”Oh! Hi, dad!” ”Hello! How are you?” //
”Not bad… Hard to believe that my year abroad is almost over!” //
”Have you already found yourself a prince?” //
Because prince William and Kate Middleton met when they were studying at St Andrews University, all my relatives want me to find myself a prince from here, too. //
”No. As far as I know I haven’t met any.” //
”Maybe your standards are just too high.” //
”I mean that perhaps some count or baron could do as well.” ”Haw haw.” //
”Well, I still have a month…” ”Exactly!”